鹿児島農村における渡航者のアメリカ的家族生活 : 帰国した出稼ぎ者の生活史
by 邱琡雯, 2016-10-24 08:53, 人氣(1713)

鹿児島農村における渡航者のアメリカ的家族生活 : 帰国した出稼ぎ者の生活史American Way of Emmigrant's Family Life Styles in Rural Village of Kagoshima

川崎 澄雄  季刊社会学部論集 9(3), 1-28, 1990-12-15  [この号の目次] 鹿児島国際大学

This paper deals with three personal lifes of ordinary Japanese emmigrants, Shizuichi Mathumoto, Mithuo Nishi and Motoshi Chuuman. They were born in 1900's, as a son of poor farmer or merchant in a small seaside village in Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. 


They emmigranted to United States of America, as a contact laborer on vegetable farm and fruit garden. They were separate from kith and kin. They worked hard. They got a lot of money. They brought money back their native village. Therefore villager called them "America don" or "America modoi" (came back from America). 


Their family life style is American way of life, for example like eating meat, drinking coffee, sleeping in bed and driving car by themselves. Especially their family interaction is individualism. Father-daughter interaction is very simply. Therefore their emotion is not intimacy. But husband-wife relationship is partnership called "THUREAI" cooperative as one body.

