110-1Financial Market Mid-term Exam Main-Points(English version)
by 趙永祥, 2021-11-10 21:24, 人氣(1828)

110-1 Financial Market(金融市場)

Mid-term Exam Main-Points (English)

上傳日期:2021/11/10/21:24 PM

Financial Market Mid-term Exam Main-points sheet

1.    Discuss the difference between a forward and a futures contract.

a.    Explain why do many hedgers use forward contracts to cut down on the volatility of an asset's price.

b.    Give examples of assets that are traded on future contracts.

2.   "mark-to-market investment" series questions

      a.   what is the meaning of "mark-to-market investment"

b.    Explain why is this important to hedge funds, banks, etc.

c.    Discuss why is it relevant and important now more than before.

3.    Discuss the differences between the Money and Capital Markets.

a.    What are the instruments traded in money market?

b.    What are the instruments traded in the capital market?

4.    Discuss what market whether you would go to the Money or Capital Markets to raise funds for construction of a factory.

a.    Explain why.

b.    Discuss which market and the sort of instruments you should use to manage corporate treasury funds.

5.    What is risk management?

a.    Discuss the meanings and importance of risk management to a company or banks.

b.    Give an example to explain a good risk management strategy?

6.    What are the difference between Risk Capacity and Risk Tolerance?***

a.    How to figure out your risk capacity?

b.    How to measure risk tolerance?

7.    Which type of risk can be eliminated by diversifying your portfolio?

a.    Which type of risk remains after a portfolio is diversified?

b.    Do investors receive compensation for all types of risk?

8.    What is the key to a good investment portfolio?***

a.    Suppose you have $10,000 you wish to invest, how will you allocate your assets?

b.    Briefly discuss and explain any three constraints that an investor might face in designing his investment strategy. 

9.    What are the “tax risks” associated with municipal bonds?

a.    Explain how these risks impinge on investor portfolios.

b.    Might the risks cause portfolio fluctuations even in the absence of actual tax changes?


Q1-Q9 回答需將重點寫出來,並非是簡答而是屬於敘述題,以簡答方式作答者不予計分

10. Asset Management ***

(1) What is the meaning of asset management?

(2) What does an asset management plan do?

(3) What should an asset management plan include?

(4) How do you develop an asset management plan? 



11. What are the Key Elements of a Successful Asset Management Program***

The answer is as follows. Draw the step-by-step illustrations

The answer reference website


Remember to answer the nine elements with main explanations

Key Elements of a Successful Asset Management Program

13.   How to Buy and Sell Stocks

(1) How to choose a good stock, what kind of stock is suitable for me to choose and invest?

(2) How to get stable profits from investing stocks?

(3) How to avoid loss from investing stocks?

(4) How much money I should prepare to invest in stocks? 

(5) The extension problem cited from above (4) is 

How to analyze what kind of stocks could be chosen to invest from the first time investment and these stocks would make you get profits?



14. How to manage your portfolio allocation plan during an economic cycle

(1). Recession period

(2). Booming period

(3). Depression period



15. Warren Buffett Investment Philosophy(巴菲特的投資哲學)

Please write out at least Warren Buffett 7 investment principles






