**Final-term report format and notifications (Word file)**
by 趙永祥, 2022-01-01 22:14, 人氣(1322)

Final-term report format and notifications 

Word file writing notifications

1. The total words should be at least over 8,000 words.

2. The pages should be at least over 20 pages including references.
     Figures, Illustrations and Tables should be over 12 totally.
     (Chinese translation: 圖表與圖解範例至少要有12個以上) 

3. The writing format should be followed the following regulations.

字體:Times New Roman
Font multiple(字體倍數):13

Line range    (行距):16

4. The deadline for delivery date: 2022/1/17(Monday)
    Before 4:00 PM

5. If late for delivery, the report score will only get 40% OFF(實得分數X 60%).

The score percentage is occupied 18(Word file score %)

Both PPT presentation skill and performance (20%) and PPT file score (7%) percentage are totally occupied 27%.

6. 報告格式同學常見錯誤與疏忽處提醒

6-1. 請在本文最後補充本報告所引用的參考文獻

6-2. 圖與表需編號並寫上該圖表的名稱

6-3. ​最後一頁需說明每一位成員所負責的單元及所在頁數


The above statements have been told and released in class to all of the students 
on 22, November.

Do your best to make this mission be successful.

Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang

Date: 29-November-2021