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國小綜合活動教科書中新移民形象之後殖民觀點分析 A Postcolonial Perspective Analysis of New Immigrant Images in Elementary Integrative Activities Textbooks ( 報告2)

A Postcolonial Perspective Analysis of New Immigrant Images in Elementary Integrative Activities Textbooks

吳姿瑩 , 碩士  指導教授:莊明貞  


本研究方法採用文本分析,從後殖民的觀點探討國小綜合活動學習領域教科書的新移民形象。研究對象為現行國小使用之康軒版、南一版及翰林版等三版本綜合活動學習領域教科書。首先,探討國小綜合活動領域教科書中新移民之相關能力指標及各單元主題之知識分佈;其次,分析國小綜合活動領域各版本教科書中所形塑之新移民在外表特徵、社會生活以及傳統文化面向所呈現的形象,最後,從新移民形象中探討所隱含之族群偏見。 本研究主要的發現有:新移民相關能力指標集中於「社會參與」主題軸,且能力指標內涵隱含二元對立。新移民相關單元主題大多聚焦於生活型態,忽略文化間的涵化與矛盾衝突。其次,新移民形象在外表特徵方面,發現大多呈現新移民多元樣貌的服飾與膚色,卻忽略性別角色之均衡;社會生活方面,形塑新移民為默默無聲的他者,從事勞動或看護之工作;傳統文化方面,化約新移民母國文化成一扁平且簡略的文化型態,且局限於特定食物與潑水節。 而在國小綜合活動領域各版本教科書中隱含之新移民族群偏見有:族群源流大多採我族中心主義觀點,新移民被略而不見,造成隱含未察之偏見;新移民大多從事看護或勞工等藍領階層工作,新移民女性被描繪於家庭之中,加深性別角色的刻板印象;在新移民性別及母國傳統節慶的選擇,顯現出選擇與不平衡呈現之偏見;未能深入理解新移民母國的飲食文化,傳遞錯誤資訊,導致違反事實之偏見;點綴性呈現新移民母國飲食文化,未深入探討意義與價值,顯現支離破碎與孤立之偏見;多元語言的呈現大多以主流族群為例,忽略新移民母語的重要性,有隱含語言偏見。 最後,基於上述研究結果提出建議,藉供國小綜合活動領域教科書在編輯、審查及使用之參考。
The aim of this paper is to review the use of text analysis as a research method,and use postcolonial perspective in observing new immigrant images in elementary integrative activities textbooks. The research texts include three kinds of different textbook editions, which are Knsh, Nani, Hanlin. First of all, the purpose of this research is to understand the materials about new immigrants in elementary integrative activities textbooks. Then, to analyze physical features, social life and traditional culture of new immigrant images in elementary integrative activities textbooks. Finally, to explore how ethnic biases may be implied in new immigrant images. The conclusions of this research are as follows: The competence indicators related to new immigrates in elementary integrative activities textbooks are most frequently seen in the area of “Social Participation” theme and competence indicators connotation implicit binary oppositions. The unit about new immigrates focuses on "lifestyle", but Ignore the intercultural acculturation, contradiction and conflict. Secondly, in physical features characteristics, most exhibits new immigrants multiple appearance of apparel and color; in social life characteristics, new immigrants are portrayed as silent others. In traditional culture characteristics, mother country's culture of new immigrants are simplified to flat and simple cultural patterns. There are six points to describe how the ethnic biases about new immigrations may be implied in elementary integrative activities textbooks:Ethnic origin mostly use the perspective of ethnocentrism, and new immigrations are invisible, bring about the ethnic biases of invisibility.New immigrants mostly engaged in care , labor and other blue-collar work. The women of new immigrants are portrayed in families, and deepen gender roles stereotypes. The choice of gender and mother country's culture of new immigrants, show the ethnic biases of selectivity and imbalance.Failed to deeply understand the new immigrants mother country's culture,and send the wrong information, result in the ethnic biases of unreality.Dotted presenting new immigrants mother country's culture of food, failure to further investigate the significance and value, show the ethnic biases of fragmentation and isolation .The case of Multi language present mainstream Ethnic language, ignore the important of new immigrants mother country's language, it has the ethnic biases of linguistic bias. Finally, based on the above findings, some suggestions are provided for elementary integrative activities textbooks editors, reviewers and users.
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