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1907 re: 培養自己 0 03-08 01:19, 戴嘉瑩
1904 re: 到日本精進自我的技能 0 03-08 01:02, 巴威博
1875 re: The second homework (Darrell) 2 03-07 23:44, Professor Chao comments to Darre
1896 re: 自由的殯葬服務者 0 03-07 23:01, 楊閔婷
1874 re: The second Homework (Michael) 2 03-07 22:41, Professor Chao comments to Micha
1873 re: The second Homework (Ailen) 2 03-07 22:35, Professor Chao comments to Ailen
1872 re: The second homework ( John) 2 03-07 21:05, Professor Chao comments to John
1850 re: The second homework (Erica) 3 03-07 20:48, Professor Chao second comments t
1860 re: The second homework (Jolie) 2 03-07 20:46, Professor Chao comments to Jolie
1838 re: The second Homework (Yunnie) 2 03-07 20:23, Professor Chao comments to Yunni
1837 re: The second Homework FRM (Alexa) 2 03-07 20:10, Professor Chao comments to Alexa
1871 re: 行銷自己 0 03-07 14:34, 李昱璇
1840 The second Homework FRM(Catherine) 2 03-07 10:13, Professor Chao comments to Cathe
1865 re: 墓碑:中國六十年代大饑荒紀實(上/下冊) 0 03-07 08:48, 邱成君
1859 金融市場平時作業(1) 10410215 吳致緯 2 03-07 07:35, 趙永祥老師給致緯的評論
1806 re: 金融市場第一次作業 10210120 許妙萍 2 03-06 22:31, 趙永祥老師給妙萍的評論
1800 re: 金融市場第一次作業 10410109紀旻瑄 2 03-06 22:26, 趙永祥老師給旻瑄的評論
1844 re: 金融市場第一次平時作業 10410248 盧裕仁 2 03-06 22:18, 趙永祥老師給裕仁的評論
1854 re: 素描福爾摩沙:甘為霖台灣筆記 Sketches From Formosa 0 03-06 21:25, 10562002
1853 re: 真情台灣:荷蘭駐台代表胡浩德的台灣遊記 0 03-06 21:10, 10562002
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