The Mid-term Exam Main-points in Business Creation and Financial Management Case Study(For the foreign students)
by 趙永祥, 2019-04-12 07:29, 人氣(1633)

The Mid-term Exam Main-points in Business Creation and 
Financial Management Case Study (For the foreign students)

Q1.How to Save Your First $100,000


Q2. To invest or to reduce debt ?– that's the question


Q3. Ten Ways to Ensure Success as an Entrepreneur


Q4. How Inflation Affects Your Savings?


Q5. How Much Cash Should I Keep in the Bank?


Q6. Explain When determining risk, you have to consider what are the five important factors.


Q7. (1) What is the definition of “Current assets”?

(2) What are the key components of “Current assets” ?

(3) what is the purpose of analyzing the components of current assets

(4) How to reduce your investment risk?


Q8. What are the “Seven Common Investor Mistakes” ?

 Not only to write out the seven sub-topic but also the main points of each sub-topic

The answer can be found in the following website


Q9. Is Universal Basic Income the Answer to an Automated Future?

Write down your viewpoints after you have read this article.


Q10. To analyze the following question:

The advantages and disadvantages if the Business is only owned by one person?(Sole Proprietorship question)

Te be continued.......
Please see the attached file

The formal Exam questions will have nine questions.

The Exam date: 18-April, 2019

The Exam Time: 16:10-17:30 PM