Dr. Chao profile (September-2019)
by 趙永祥, 2019-09-25 11:02, 人氣(974)

     Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang 

                            Profile linked to Amazon website        

                         Profile of Dr. Chao in ORCID



                               Dr. Yuang Shiang Chao 

                                                       Yuang Shiang Chao

Yuang Shiang Chao

Title:Assistant Professor
Company:Nanhua University
Department:Finance and graduate school of Financial Management



Small-medium Enterprise, Department of the Ministry of Economics, "SMEs' Risk Management and Response Strategies" speech.


governmental-visit and meeting accompanied with 

the scholars came from Poland and Vietnam in 

Taiwan Stock Exchange.

The Main Scholars brief introduction

與來自 Poland(波蘭)-Vietnam(越南)-Taiwan(台灣)

three countries' international scholars 的交換學者交流

Professor Miroslow Dusza 
(Director of Department of Economics, University of Warsaw, Poland)

Professor Oskar Szumski 
(Chair of Management Information System, University of Warsaw, Poland)

Professor of Nguyen Thuong Lang (Head of Department of International Economics and Business National Economics University,Hanoi, Vietnam) ,

台灣證交所國際事務處 周世昊經理

南山人壽苗栗欣欣通訊處 楊弘智 處經理

考察團領隊:南華大學財金系 趙永祥     博士


Website linkage



acted as one of the invited speakers in " Creating Post 

25 Historical New Corporate Value"  in International 

Competitiveness Forum in 2015. There have over 30 

international scholars came from five Asian countries

participate this forum. 



Current Occupation: 

Full-time faculty, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Institute of Financial Management, College of management, Nan Hua University (2013/8/1 ~ Now)

Education Degree

大   學:東海大學經濟學系學士
(Bachelor in Economics, Tung Hai University)

(MS. in Regional Economics, Nan Hua University)
(MS. in Religious Studies, Nan Hua University)

(PH.D in Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology; Major in International Business Management ; Minor in Finance) 


Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang Profile linkage  

Dr. Chao Amazon Author Page URL 


Biography of Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang in ORCID


  The Reviewer of Advances in Economics and Business  

Advances in Economics and Business is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of economics and business. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.

  Dr. Chao​ Yuang Shiang  

  Department of Finance and Graduate Institute of Financial 

  Management, College of Management, Nan Hua University, 


 The Reviewer's Board Website: 






Profile linkage on Linkedin


Biography of Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang in ORCID




        Resume of Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang


Faculty experiences (1999/8/1 ~ Now)


Faculty (Full-time), Department of Finance, full-time lecturer, assistant professor (2011/8~Now), Yu Da University (1999/8/1 to 2013/7/31) 

Faculty (Part-time), Department of International Trade, National Taichung University of Science and Technology (2005/2/1 to 2006/7/31) 

Faculty (Part-time), National Taichung University  of Science and Technology in Junior College of Continuing Education   (2002/8/1 to 2006/7/31) 

Faculty (Part-time), Accounting and Information Systems, Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) (2000/2/1 to 2003/7/31) 

Current Occupation: 

Full-time faculty, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Institute of Financial Management, College of management, Nan Hua University (2013/8/1 ~ Now)

Faculty experiences (1999/8/1 ~ Now)


Faculty (Full-time), Department of Finance, full-time lecturer, assistant professor (2011/8~Now), Yu Da University (1999/8/1 to 2013/7/31) 

Faculty (Part-time), Department of International Trade, National Taichung University of Science and Technology (2005/2/1 to 2006/7/31) 

Faculty (Part-time), National Taichung University  of Science and Technology in Junior College of Continuing Education   (2002/8/1 to 2006/7/31) 

Faculty (Part-time), Accounting and Information Systems, Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) (2000/2/1 to 2003/7/31) 

Current Occupation: 

Full-time faculty, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Institute of Financial Management, College of management, Nan Hua University (2013/8/1 ~ Now)


International and Governmental license/certificate introduced 

as follows.

International license:Senior Advising consultant, U.K. certificate(Distinct level)

License No. : NI 090038158405

Professional License: Integrated Marketing Consultant (Senior level)

Certificate No. : SMA 201411501

Professional License: Service Industry Consultant

Certificate No. : 181-001128 (Date:August-2011)

Enterprise Resource Planning Proficiency

Certificate No. : CERPS 1205320 (Date:July-2012)


Governmental and Enterprise consultation introduced as follows.

Consultant and advisor in governmental institution and private company 

1. Financial consultant, Yoau Jude construction company 

2. Consultant in business management and marketing strategy,Green Deming environmental technological company. 

3. Consultant in education and training Joy town Investment Company. 

4. Counseling consultant in preparatory OTC market, Yunhong environmental company. 

5. Counseling consultant, the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (validity: 2012/2/22-2012/12/31)


6. Counseling consultant in creating business and career development, 

   The National Youth Commission (NYC), Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (validity: 2012/6/1-2013/5/31).


7. Counseling consultant, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (validity: 2014/4/1- 2015/3/31).


8. Counseling consultant ,the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training (BEVT) ,Council of Labor Affairs , Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (validity: 2012/3/1-2013/12/31). 

9. Counseling Consultant, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan (2012); 

10.Enhancing University Students' Career Employability and Competitiveness, Youth Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan (2005-2006);

11. Member of the Remuneration Committee of FALCON POWER CO., LTD.. (2016/6/15 ~ 2019/6/14) 

FALCON POWER CO.:TWSE Stock listed company(CODE:1516)

Market Observation Post System - FALCON POWER CO., LTD.

Profile of FALCON POWER CO., LTD. 

(following referred as”the Company”) was established in February 1986 and list in Taiwan Stock Exchange in April 1995. Before June 2008, the Company was conduct in manufacturing, selling and buying bicycle parts, exercise products and the parts etc. To cope with operation reform and transform plan, since July 2008, the Company toward to develop energy products, especially the solar related products and solar energy application business.


 12.  Consultant (2016/7/1 ~ 2017/6/30) of MetaTech Co., Ltd. 

(OTC listed Company / Stock Code: 3224)
