Never give up(Iron Lady: Muniba Mazari)
by 趙永祥, 2023-09-14 10:33, 人氣(319)

MOST Inspiration Speech:  Never give up


Muniba Mazari  | Iron Lady of Pakistan



Muniba Mazari Baloch is a Pakistani activist, anchor artist, model, singer and motivational speaker. She became the National Ambassador for UN Women Pakistan after being shortlisted in the 100 Inspirational Women of 2015 by BBC. She also made it to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for 2016. In this video, she uses her story to inspire every audience present. A few years ago, she was seriously injured in a car accident and her entire lower body was left paralysed. Her husband left her when she was most helpless, the doctor pronounced that her hands were deformed, she would never be able to paint anymore, and because of the accident, she could not have children. She was devastated and started to question her existence. Luckily, she did not give up on this. She chooses not to wait for a miracle or expect others to give mercy. Now, she tells the world that there will always be cracks in life, so that the sun can shine in. "These scars are my badge and I am proud of it."

中文版 慕尼黑馬扎里(Muniba Mazari)是巴基斯坦的电视主持人、是歌手、是画家、是作家,也是巴基斯坦女性维权人士、是首名巴基斯坦籍坐轮椅的模特儿。不仅如此,她还是BBC选出的2015年百大最具啟发性的巴基斯坦女性之一、2016年富比世30岁以下年轻领袖之一。 在这视频里,她用自己的故事鼓舞每个在场的每一位观众。


那时,她怀疑自己的存在,可幸的是,Muniba Mazari并没有因此放弃自己,她选择不等待奇蹟,不期待别人给予怜悯,她决定振作起来,决定那一刻起要为自己而活。现在,她告诉大家,生命总会有裂缝,那样阳光才照得进来。
