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Karl Marx
                                        The social and political thought of Karl Marx by Shlomo Avineri
     Print publication year: 1968
     Publisher: Cambridge University Press
     Author: Shlomo Avineri
     Title: The social and political thought of Karl Marx
                   1. Hegel's political philosophy reconsidered
                       ~The impact of Hegel and Feuerbach
                       ~The premises of Hegel's political philosophy
                       ~State and civil society
                       ~Class structure and modern society
                       ~Classes society: 'true democracy' and communism
                    2. The proletariat: the universal class
                        ~The state as alienation
                        ~Bureauracy: the imaginary universality
                        ~The proletariat
                    3. Homo faber
                        ~Consciousness and society
                        ~Labour, history and political economy
                        ~Social man
                    4. Alienation and property
                        ~The materialist premise
                        ~Alienation and the forms of property
                        ~Fetishism of commodities and division of labour
                    5. Praxis and revolution
                        ~The forerunners
                        ~The unity of theory and praxis: from interpreting the world to changing it
                    6. The revolutionary dialectics of capitalist society
                        ~Historical origins and theoretical medels
                        ~The universality of capitalism
                        ~The dialectics of change: stock companies
                    7. The French revolution and the terror: the achievements and limits of political revolution 
                    8. The new society
                        ~Universal suffrage and 'Aufhebung des Staates'
                        ~The stages of socialism
                        ~The Paris Commune: the necessary failure
      Epilogue: the eschatology of the present
      Bibliography: All of books of Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels, other works, and index.
            For example: ~Acton, Harry Burrow. The illusion of the Epoch.London,1995
                                ~Alder. Georg. Die Grundlagen der Karl Marxchen Kritik der bestechender Volkswirtschaft. Tubingen,1887
                                ~Averni, Shlomo. 'From hoax to Dogma: A Footnote on Marx and Darwin', Encounter( march 1967), pp30-32
                                 ~Barion, Jakob. Hegel und die marxistische Staatslehre. Bonn, 1963
                                 ~Barzun, Jacques. Darwin, Marx, Wagner. Boston, 1946. etc
      About Karl Marx: He was born in 5 May 1818 and died 14 March 1883. And he was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. Born in Prussia to a middle-class family, he later studied political economy and Hegelian philosophy.
      About Shloho Avineri:He was born 1933 in Bielsko, Poland. And he is an Israeli political scientist. He is Proffessor of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. He also serves as Recurring Visiting Professor at the Central European University in Budapest and fellow of a Munich-based academic think tank offering advice to politicians