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Single mother ( 作業4: 被汙名的人)

     Single mother refers to her husband and family with a person living with the child (or children) to raise, feed, discipline and day-to-day responsibility single mothers.


      Today, a total of 81.2 thousand female headed households go she (hereinafter single mothers) Mongolian national level of 23.8 thousand in Ulaanbaatar by the Metropolitan Statistical Office. Taking into consideration the number of the most recent number is 2.9 million, women out of around 18 except that 50.1% of the population has access word to children (minors from single mothers). These women are brought up more than 350 thousand children. And 60% of single mothers were families of the unemployed and poor.


     This number can be found in the following table compared to the previous year's numbers, an increasing number of households headed by women throughout the years.

     Each year, look years a growing number of divorce. If seen by the researchers, this number may only argue that the number of Mongolian, but is growing around the world. However, our condolences to a few people in the population as a Mongolian.

     Any families can be a strength to strength and achieved. Each whole aggrandize, warm and inviting family children may grow breath. But the heart of one particular parental love child of the missing idea must have are different from other kids. Minimum will all love and feel a father's behavior, as well as a variety of psychiatric disorders, and other consequences. So much seems a little bit as dangerous in the Mongolian state where need to take policy action. Every children should endear her father. They are should growing up, meet, talk, advocate, be related with fathers. But mothers are the best. Whose can do all of things just alone. It means twice the work, twice liability, twice the stress, twice the tears, but also twice the hug, twice the love, and twice the pride. But she never to complain of  their life.


