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Prostitution of the vietnam mowen's ( 作業7: 越南女性)

 "It's easier to breathe now. I can't earn enough doing anything else. It is difficult to get a good job because I quit school at fifth grade," said the 24-year-old woman who has been a sex worker for seven years.

 What else can they do to survive once coming home? No job, no money, no education, what can they do? Hunger forces them back on the streets.Some women over 60 years old are still working as prostitutes. We have offered them small amounts of money to start small businesses. Many of them continue as sex workers at the beginning and then gradually shift to legitimate forms of trade exclusively when their business becomes stable. 

On the street I can earn VND400,000 (US$19) a night serving two customers. I can't get a legal job that pays VND2-3 million a month.

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