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    This is the first time we had gone to the church with out classmates. In my opinion, ever religion are the same. Because they all pray for god or pray for something they really love. All of the Mongolians believe in god and religion is Buddhizm also.
    But i am so different because of i just believe in my blue sky, my father. They are my own god. And my friend 佳安 too. And another hand, i know many songs about Christmas. All of the Christmas songs are kind of Christ. We just get there, there are so many stuffs and Christmas tree. And the main thing is when we just get there, the first thing you will see is Jesus Christs's statue.
     I hope you guys go there, and i am going to share some information about Jesus Christ. About 2000 years ago, in a small town called Nazareth. Where lived a young Jewish girl named Mary. She was not married. And one day, something amazing happened. An angel appeared to Mary. And told her about her son. Who is Jesus Christ. We know he is lord of the world, and son of god. And one day, Mary and her husband were must to go to from Nazareth to Bethlehem. And they reached Bethlehem, all the inns were full. He could find the room and just find a humble small stable. And Jesus Christ was born there. This activity was give us many information and knowledge.