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The dark spot for me and my life. ( 作業8-我生命的黑洞與超越)

My life with the rest of heart black spots which occurred recently passed a long time. My name is命運

 I am now 19 years old. My life became meaningless in the spring of 2015, was not yet understood completely what's going to separate my parents. a considerable length of time it will last, I was alternately spend time with dad my mom. to the summer of 2016 achieve excellence his desire for Taiwan decided to study in universities in the state Nanhua morning and had it fall flights 9 May 1. My parents this way was to leave, but a step forward in order to achieve excellence his desire for it.

the process of learning even come to a university Nanhua "My dad sat down at God in me because of my family and hit the" days of continued heavy today. wanted to do together with his father seemed like everything collapsed. Later, when I thought of was too short period of time spent with him, and the more I realized that it was not cared for love is a black spot, and the rest of my heart. It had not lost all can reverse time.
