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My opinion, black spot of 21th century ( 作業8-我生命的黑洞與超越)

How Long Have Humans Been On Earth? While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800s. Humans have a lot of history . We made it for our life times in each century. But i have a question .. What is the biggest black spot of humans life ?
First of all , humans are all have a heart . It beats . That we feel something so closely . In my opinion people are all same but there is a only one different thing . This is Consciousness. Scientists said human is organized by monkey . And then the brain become so smart and intelligent. But actually I can't even see the difference between that. Our brain are getting poor everyday .and forget To help somebody by our real conscience. And the main heart breaking thing is teenagers. In our world we use internet so much and like a live in social life. Just forget people who above the 30s. Just think about teenagers. They are our future .
In conclusion, we destroying our history day by day . Today is become a past it means one day today is became a history . Social life kills our live communications. I'd like to tell people to life has a many ways to live happy and wonderful, just if you can be kind and use your time for future. And i think the biggest black spot in 21 century is degradation of consciousness.