
My portfolio can be classified as below

40% for real estate ( 30% for urban land and 10% for suburban land)

25% for gold reserves

10% for currency

10% for stocks

15% for insurance ( health, property..)


Real estate accounts for the largest amount as my country which is a developing one is receiving more foreign investment, thus investors will look for land to establish their bussiness so 10% may earn some profit in the future. As for 30%, I will buy departments and put them for rent because accomodations in Ho Chi Minh City have always been on fire, so there is a sure profit for this investment

25% for gold reserves as this a safe choice. Gold tend to be the most liquid assets and their prices experience stable movements.

10% for currency to gain profit from their movements, not so much risk

10% for stocks just to make the portfolio more various cause stock market at this point of time experience many ups and downs due to the new presidency of Trump

The remaining 15% is health and property insurance as this is of importance to protect myself from all this risks.





Your portfolio is classified as below

40% for real estate ( 30% for urban land and 10% for suburban land)

25% for gold reserves

10% for currency

10% for stocks

15% for insurance ( health, property..)

Your explainations are as follows.

Real estate accounts for the largest amount as my country which is a developing one is receiving more foreign investment, thus investors will look for land to establish their business so 10% may earn some profit in the future. As for 30%, I will buy departments and put them for rent because accomodations in Ho Chi Minh City have always been on booming, so there is a sure profit on this investment item.

15% for insurance is important to face the accidental risks whenever came to you. 

I can understand your thinking way why you make such a portfolio investment plan.

Quite considerable and more wise!

Professor Chao


Mia ,
You have mentioned that investors will look for land to establish their bussiness so 10% may earn some profit in the future. 

As for 30%, You will buy departments and put them for rent because accomodations in Ho Chi Minh City have always been on boomed these years, so there is a sure profit for this investment, you can prepare to invest the real estate in the first priority according to MPT I have taught you.

My conclusion to you as follows.
Be careful in investing, taking some risk to get better ROI on your wise investment in the coming future.