The first Regular Exam announcement (30-March)
by yschao, 2018-03-25 21:26:00, 人氣(915)

The first Regular Exam announcement(30-March

(Including Taiwanese and Foreign students)

Q1-1 When the economy is in booming period, what's your asset allocation plan if you have 100,000 USD on hand.   

Q1- 2: When the economy is in depression period, what's your asset allocation plan if you have 100,000 USD on hand.

You have to figure out your investment amount(每一投資項目之投資金額) in every investment item.(You have to write out at least three investment items inside the circle figure)

Please check and see the attached files.

Exam time: 50 minutes.

The answer concerning about question 2 is inside the following website
