The Mid-term Exam Main-points (Foreign students)
by yschao, 2018-04-21 22:48:38, 人氣(987)

The Mid-term Exam Main-points (For foreign students)

The additional Exam Main-points are stated as follows.

1.  "Financial Leverage Operation (FLO)" related questions

(1) What is "Financial Leverage Operation"? Please explain it graphically

(2) In what kind of economic development to use low-level "Financial Leveraged Operations" , explain Why?

(3) In what kind of economic development to use high-level "Financial Leveraged Operations,explain Why?

(4) A. According to your investment attributes, under what circumstances will you use financial leverage? 

B. Will you operate what investment items?

2. “Current assets” related questions

(1) What is the definition of “Current assets”? 

(2) What are the key components of “Current assets” ?

(3) To analyze the main purpose to the components of current assets

(4) How to reduce your investment risk? 

3. Financial Key-terms 

(1)What does “money availability” mean?   

(2)What does “asset liquidity” mean? 

(3)What does “EPS (Earnings Per Share)” mean? 

(4)What does “Modern Portfolio Theory” mean? 

(5)What does “Return on Equity” mean?