How to Create a Useful Career Strategy
by 趙永祥, 2017-09-28 17:37, 人氣(1621)

How to Create a Useful Career Strategy

Many business creators are lost in how to create a good strategy to find an enjoyable career, not just a job. Before you start to send out your resume or jump on a job board, take a moment to consider these ways to create a career strategy and find a role that will bring you lasting fulfillment.

According to my past consultation experiences,  

There have four main considerations stated as follows.

1. Take careful considerations to think what you really want

Instead of starting to send out your resume right away, take a moment to consider what you really want. You might be able to find a job quickly, but if you want to advance your career in a strategic way, or make a career change, it takes time and reflection.  

Take your time to list the possible or existing companies, positions and industries that interest you most.  Appreciate this opportunity to choose your next move, rather than letting it choose you. 

2. Check "4W1H" career missions to align with your mission closerly.

It should answer the following five questions: 

1. What do I do?

2. What should I do?

3. Who (the customers/investors) do I do it for? 

4. Why I intend to do it?

5. How do I do via a good and an efficient method? 

Your career mission statement will act as an anchor in your decision-making process.  Before accepting a job, check how it aligns with your mission. 

3. Create a 3-5-year plan. 

Many careers happen by accident. Life, financial and family circumstances lead us from one role to the next and one day we wake up with a jolt thinking ‘how did I get here?’ 

Like your mission statement, your 3-5-year plan is there to create a foothold for your search. Return to the ideal plan you’ve created to gauge the suitability of your next position. Looking for your next move can be a frenzy of activity, opinions and advice. 

When opportunities arise, ask yourself, 

"will this plan/choice bring me to meet my ultimate goal closer?" 

4. Find out your Strengths(S)/Opportunities(O) continuously. 

People who use their strengths tend to be much happier in their jobs and in general. There are many ways to discover your strengths on your own. Knowing your strengths can help you identify an opportunity that will be satisfying in the long run. The keypoint in mind is that before you start looking for your next role, use these steps to create a career strategy that will set you up to find the right opportunities, not just your next job. 


Another session to discuss: How to start planning your career path

Consider these eight steps when creating your career path: 

Step 1. Learn about potential career options ;  Step 2. Discover growing job markets

Step 3. Identify careers that match your skills; Step 4. Understand career qualifications

Step 5. Assess salaries and other benefits    ; Step 6. Compare possible career paths

Step 7. Establish SMART goals                     ; Step 8. Develop a career action plan

Written by Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang

