by 趙永祥, 2021-07-08 19:18, 人氣(1022)

    On Man-made Calamities

各位觀眾 大家好

今天跟各位要講人禍 Today, I would like to talk about man-made calamities. 

有時候天會闖禍 Sometimes Heaven causes disasters, 

比方說下雨洪水成災 which can be heavy rain or flood. 

地也會闖禍 And Earth gives rise to disasters too, 

地 地動了海嘯了 such as earthquake or tsunami. 

人也會闖禍 Men also bring about calamities 

尤其人禍最多 that cause people suffering most. 

比方說現在生化科技 For example, bio-chemical technology 

帶來這個世間上危害 does much damage to this world 

空氣的汙染 by polluting the air. 

科技的很多的毒品 It produces many toxicant drugs 

甚至還有的人販賣毒品 which are trafficked clandestinely. 

可以說都是人禍 That is a kind of man-made calamity. 

另外的像武器、搶劫 And there are illegal arms trade, robbery, 

販賣假貨 偷工減料 traffic of fake goods, or cutting corners… 

很多的仿冒產品 People produce a lot of piratical goods. 

貪官污吏 There are corrupt officials, 

很多的政治迫害 political persecution, 

交通的事故 traffic accidents, 

濫採濫砍伐山林 and excessive deforestation, 

可以說人禍很多 which all belong to man-made calamities. 

有很多的事 Many oppressive cases happen 

借助政治的力量來壓迫 under political power 

借助經濟 or economical means. 

他仗他權力的貪污 People destroy others' careers and families 

用這種計謀 by abusive exercises of power 

搞得人家家敗人亡 and ways of dark schemes. 

現在的這個世界 And in contemporary world history, 

有明顯的戰爭 there were numerous wars 

一死傷數百萬人 which resulted in millions people's death, 

第一次世界大戰 such as First and Second 

第二次世界大戰 World Wars. 

有的時候 Sometime, it seems that 

好像人與人鬥爭成為習慣 people become used to fight with each other. 

我不滿意的 When one is not satisfied, 

我就用種種的方法壓迫你 he use means to strike down 

打擊你、致你於死地 or defeat his enemy, making them no way to live. 

所以在這個世間上 So we are living in a world 

人與人之間 人禍不斷 with incessant man-made calamities. 

你看婦女單獨的行走在路上 When women walk alone in the street, 

她很怕色狼、壞人 they are worried about being harassed 

給她的無禮侵犯 by satyrs or bad persons. 

兒童在什麼地方 Parents are afraid of their children 

怕給壞人欺騙甚至綁票 being abducted and kidnapped 

讓父母早晚都不安心 that they cannot stop worrying. 

甚至於開個商店吧 When we keep a store, 

唉呀 搶劫 there are robberies. 

開個工廠嘛 When we run a factory, 

還要有人來敲竹槓 people come to extort money. 

所以種種的受到人禍的迫害 There are all kinds of oppressions 

層出不窮 done by people. 

所以我們希望這個時代的進步 So we should make progress in civilization 

文化的發展 and encourage cultural development 

慢慢來把人改造成 to transform people 

都是相互尊重 into being respectful to each other, 

相互包容、相互諒解 that people tolerate and forgive each other 

相互提攜、相互助 with mutual understanding and aids. 

不必你打倒我 So it will become unnecessary 

 我打倒你 for you and me to fight against each other. 

你算計我 Neither will it be necessary 

我算計你 for us to plot against each other 

產生很多不幸的事件 and result in many misfortunes 

實在是划不來 which are harmful in all respect. 

希望我們有道德 I hope that people with morality, 

有良知 conscience, 

有學問的人類 and learning 

不妨淨化身心 can act to purify body and mind, 

來提倡我們的道德 to promote moralities of life 

減少人禍 and reduce man-made calamities.