by 趙永祥, 2023-04-21 18:42, 人氣(420)

出自 佛法滿人間《悲智雙運》 更多 星雲大師 智慧法語都在 http://www.fgs.video/ 各位觀眾大家好 Welcome to the audience! 今天和各位講悲智雙運 Today I want to talk about a parallel cultivation of compassion & wisdom. 這個在我們做人也很重要的 This is very important in conducting oneself. 有的人是好人 Some people are good men. 他很慈悲 He has great compassion - 但是濫慈悲 just that it's too excessive 他亂慈悲 and confused. 比方說布施 Take giving for example. 也不知道好壞 He does not know what is good and what is bad. 這個錢就亂給了人 He lends money to the wrong person. 做事幫忙人 He helps people 那不是正派的好事 who are not upright 他也去幫忙他 but he still does it. 你這個慈悲不但沒有救人救世 His compassion not only fails to rescue all in the world, 反而幫了壞人壞事 but sort of aid undertakings of villains. 所以這個叫作沒有智慧 So he is said to have no wisdom. 慈悲要有智慧 Compassion requires wisdom, 智慧才能分辨 as one with wisdom can differentiate 我做這個事情的價值 whether it worths it or not to do something, 這個好壞、等級 and the possible good or bad consequences. 我需要 對了 怎麼樣慈悲 Oh well, how to be compassionate? 但有的人聰明有智慧 Some people are wise, 但他沒有慈悲 but he does not have compassion. 什麼說得都一套的道理 He follows a set of principles that makes sense, 這個見解、看法 and has a good view 對人生的瞭解 and understanding on life 說得天花亂墜 which turns out to be a hype. 你叫他幫助一點人 But when you ask him to help, 所謂拔一毛而利天下我不為也 he's so self-serving to give you any promise. 這一種人有智慧、有知識 This type of men have wisdom and knowledge, 他沒有慈悲、沒有結緣 but not compassion. He does not form an affinity with others 不肯助人 and refuses to help. 這個也不好 This is also not good. 所以一個很健全的人 So a sound man 悲智 should have both 慈悲、智慧同等的重要 compassion and wisdom which is equally important. 等於《普門品》裡面 This is like in the Universal Gate Chapter, 觀音菩薩 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has 大慈大悲 救苦救難 great loving-kindness and compassion. He relieves one's suffering and distress. 那個無盡意菩薩 When Aksayamatir Bodhisattva 聽到釋迦牟尼佛講 heard Sakyamuni Buddha mentioned 觀音菩薩的慈悲 the compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, 他就把身上的瓔珞 he offered his necklaces 我要供養你 to Avalokitesvara. 這代表智慧 Aksayamatir represented wisdom. 無盡意菩薩有智慧 Aksayamatir Bodhisattva had wisdom. 你光有慈悲不行 He said: It doesn't do if you only have compassion. 我要智慧給你 I have some wisdom for you. 觀音菩薩他就 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva responded: 謝謝 我的慈悲有智慧 Thank you. My compassion contains wisdom. 所以你的智慧 So I do not need 我也不必要了 your wisdom. 釋迦牟尼佛就告訴觀世音 Sakyamuni Buddha told Avalokitesvara: 你雖不要他的智慧 Though you do not need his wisdom, 但是你愍念世間的眾生 out of compassionate regard for sentient beings 大家也要來往結緣 who need to form an affinity with one another, 你就接受吧 you better accept it! 觀音菩薩就接受他的瓔珞 So Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva accepted his necklaces. 把它分了 He offered some of them 一面供養給佛祖 to the Buddha, 一面供養給多寶佛塔 and put some in the Multi-treasures stupa. 應該廣結善緣 We should form affinities extensively. 這個慈悲要普及一切 The compassion we have should be able to extend to all 要讓大家都能享受到 so that everyone can enjoy 我的愛心、我的服務 my loving heart, my service, 我的給他的關懷 and my care. 在佛門裡面 In Buddhism, 所以做一個善人、做一個好人 whether it is to be a virtuous man, a good man, 做一個慈悲人、做一個智慧人 a compassionate man, or a wise man, 這個都許多的好多的要選擇 one still has to be selective, 不是自己一味的在這盲目的 rather than blindly 這個慈悲濫慈悲 profuse in compassion. 像過去在大陸 印光大師就是說 In the past, Master Yinguang in mainland China said that 這個佛教衰敗 Buddhism had declined due to 什麼濫傳戒法、濫掛海單 indiscriminate passing down of precepts, housing of non-resident monks, 濫收徒眾出家 and tonsure of unqualified disciples. 這敗壞佛教 This corrupted Buddhism. 不可以濫 Do not do something indiscriminately, 不過慈悲不能濫用慈悲 say, to abuse compassion. 智慧也不能空談一切 Wisdom is not just talk the talk. 所以悲智雙運就是 So a parallel cultivation of compassion & wisdom is 慈悲、智慧我們實踐它 to practice compassion and wisdom 雙雙的 side by side. 一樣的同等重要 They're the same and equally important. 悲智雙運 A parallel cultivation of compassion & wisdom

Blessings to you all.