by 趙永祥, 2023-04-30 15:53, 人氣(365)


各位觀眾 大家好 Hi, everybody. 人都希望富貴 People always wish to be rich and of high position. 都不希望貧窮 Nobody wants to be poor, 但是富貴不是希望就能有的 but wishing won't pay the rent. 富貴它有一定因緣 Wealth ad rank have their causes and conditions. 一定一個來源 They certainly have seeds to be. 富貴的來源 The seeds of wealth and rank 是從哪裡來呢 come from where? 我想有四點 I have four points for this. 第一點 手足勤勞 Firstly, diligent work of hands and legs. 就是我們有雙手 We have hands, 雙手萬能耶 which can do everything; 我們兩個腿 we have legs, 可以走遍天下耶 which can travel all over the world. 就是靠著我的手和腳 By using hands and legs diligently, 我勤勞還不富貴嗎 why worry about not being able to become rich? 這個手和腳就是要用的 The hands and legs are for use. 你手不用就不是萬能 You can't do anything, if you don't use your hands; 你腳不走就是個跛子 you will be a limper, if you don't use your legs. 所以動員好手腳 So move your hands and legs 去勤勞去 to work diligently. 這是富貴的來源 That will be the seed of wealth. 第二點 身體健康 Secondly, having good health. 一個人就是富貴了 That makes one a wealthy person already. 身體不健康 If one doesn't have a healthy body, 你也不能享受榮華富貴 he can't enjoy the wealth and honor. 你要保護自己的身體健康 So we have to maintain our health. 你身體不健康 If you are not doing so, 家人也為你很辛苦 you will be a burden to your families, 甚至國家社會 and the country and society 也為你多花很多的醫療費用 will have to pay lots of Medicare fee for you. 所以自己本身 So we should try to 要做自己的醫師 be a doctor for ourselves, 保護自己的身體健康 and to protect the body from illness. 健康就是富貴的來源 So the health is a seed of wealth. 你有了疾病則花費 When ill, you have to spend money. 你不花費 By saving money, 那健康就是財富 the health becomes your wealth. 第三 心中歡喜 Thirdly, always feeling happy. 錢財有時候很煩惱耶 Sometimes, money becomes quite an annoyance. 錢財會人家嫉妒 People will be jealous of us, 錢財會給人偷去 and try to steal money from us. 心中歡喜 By feeling happy in our mind, 我就是沒有錢財 even if I have no money, 我安貧樂道 I am at ease to lead a simple and virtuous life. 我就是沒有富貴 Even if I am not rich, 不過我非常知足、滿足 I am content with present life. 那個就是富貴 Then that is a kind of wealth. 所以學習如何來 So we should learn to 慢慢讓心中滿足 live in content gradually, 讓心中歡喜 making our mind happy 讓心中平安 and feeling in peace, 那就是富貴 and that will be our wealth. 第四點 腦中的智慧 Fourthly, using your brains. 頭腦裡面要生智慧 We should use our brains and create wisdom. 有很多的人 A lot of people 用力氣去賺錢 earn their living by labor. 賺了很少的錢 They earn a little money. 有的人用金錢去賺錢 Some people use money to beget money, 也賺了一些錢 and make a profit. 用智慧去賺錢 If we can use our wisdom to earn money, 用智慧去替社會人間謀福利 and work for the well-being of the society 替大眾謀福利 and the people, 不但賺自己一個人的錢 we are not just earning money for ourselves 賺全體大眾的錢、財富 but also for the benefit of the public. 像那些科學家 It's like works done by scientists 哲學家 and philosophers 造福蒼生 who benefit all the people. 所以腦中的智慧 So to use brains and create wisdom 是富貴的來源 is a seed of wealth. 富貴的來源 Thus the seeds of wealth and rank 有四點 can be four points as follows. 第一點 手足勤勞 First, diligent work of hands and legs. 第二點 身體健康 Second, having good health. 第三點 心中歡喜 Third, always feeling happy. 第四點 腦中的智慧 Fourth, using your brains. 有了這四種必定就有富貴 With these four points, one will be wealthy definitely. 謝謝大家收看 Thank you for watching. 阿彌陀佛 Amitabha.

