by 趙永祥, 2023-04-30 15:57, 人氣(433)


各位觀眾 Hello viewers. 大家平安吉祥 Peace and joy to you all. 我快將九十歲了 I almost turn 90. 我出家也都七、八十年了 I've entered into monkhood for 70 to 80 years already. 我在這一生的歲月裡面 In my entire life, 我現在越來越感覺到 I very much feel that 一個重要的問題 there is a thing which is important. 這個人間最重要的什麼事情 What is the most important thing in the human world? 公平正義 Fairness and justice. 所以我今天 So today I am 跟各位講公平正義 going to talk to you about fairness and justice. 我的心中還一個感覺 In my mind I always feel that 世間為什麼多憂愁、多悲苦 the world is full of grief and sorrow 就這個世間太不公不平 simply because this world is unfair 沒有正義 and no unjust. 所以讓我們很辛苦 This puts us in a very difficulty situation. 比方說 Say for example, 警察找我的麻煩 I am framed by the police, 不公平 that's not fair. 法院裡面甚至人家來告我 Or, I am sued by somebody, 他也不公平的判決 and the sentence made by the judge 他不公平 is not fair. 甚至有的朋友 I treat my friend 我對他那麼好心好意 with a kind heart and goodwill. 他給我惡意的回報 But he returns with malice. 沒有情義 He does not have love and friendship, 這沒有仁義道德 not even a bit of benevolence and morality. 這個世間 The world, 我們可愛的人間 our lovely human world, 它就是要有公平、要有正義 should have fairness and justice. 假如這個世界上 If in the world 沒有公平、沒有正義 there is no fairness and justice, 這世界不可愛 the world will no longer be lovely. 因為我每天都是 Everyday, 你們都對我不公平 if I am treated unfairly, 都沒有給我一個正當的情義 and there is simply no righteousness and love, 我活著有什麼意思呢 what is the point to live on? 我都很受苦 I'm in great suffering! 所以我是有感覺到 So I feel that 像現在的媒體 nowadays, when media 電視、報紙 like TV newspaper 他們報導新聞 report news, 一定要公平正義 they should have fairness and justice in mind. 你不公平、不正義 If you are not fair and just, 你誤導人家錯誤的看法 you'll mislead readership with wrong views. 所以做記者的就好修行 So a reporter is advised to 口中留德、筆下留德 pull his punches in his reporting. 你要有公平正義 You should have fairness and justice, 要說好話、存好心 say good words, cherish a kind heart, 要寫好事 write on the positive side. 你做公務人員的 Imagine you are a public servant 你在機關裡面 working in a government department. 有關我的房屋、我的財產 My houses and my property 我的稅金 have to be levied taxes. 我和你們政府有關係 The government concerned 你也要給我一個公平正義 should process my case with fairness and justice. 你對我欺負、壓迫 If you bully or oppress me 這麼不公平、不正義 unfairly and unjustly, 我不高興、我很痛苦 I'll be very unhappy and painful. 我討厭你這個人 I hate you 我甚至討厭政府 and I even hate the government. 你一個警察 The same applies to the police. 所以我就想到這個世間上 So here below are the much-needed 新聞記者考試的條件 prerequisites for a news reporter which determine 能不能做新聞記者 whether one could become a qualified news reporter or not. 第一條 The first one is, 就你有公平正義的性格嗎 do you have a fair and just character? 你要做警察也是一樣 It's also the same if you want to be a policeman. 你做警察 As a policeman, 你有公平正義嗎 do you have fairness and justice? 做檢查官的、做法務人員的 The most important thing for a prosecutor or legal consultant 最重要的要有公平正義 is to have fairness and justice. 沒有公平正義 Without fairness and justice, 你怎麼可以把這個法律擺平 how could you handle law cases? 法律都不公平 都沒有正義 If the law is not fair and just, 你說這個國家怎麼可愛呢 how do you expect us to love our country? 所以我覺得我自己本身 So I feel that personally speaking, 我們每一個人 what is most important to everybody 或者我們的社會國家 or perhaps our society and country 公平正義最重要 is fairness and justice. 祝福大家 Blessings to you all. ========================