The film is all about that people are living wrong way. 
But I do not agree with film. 
Just because we are people, we are different from animals. We might be more smarter, more creative, and more more industrious. 
We can not live normal or ordinary like animals. We have emotions, we have different thoughts. That is why we can not live as normal as animals. 
Herd of animals have one leader. Leader do everything like guard, breed and find safe place to eat and sleep.
Just imagine can people live like that ? I think people deserve to do more and make world better place. People can build cities, technologies, research programs. 
This film mentioned that we need leader not politician. That is wrong we elected our leader and call him or her politician. 
Technologies not making us lazy. Some people are using it wrong. Technologies make life more safe, easily. 
The only thing I agree with film is war, killing and pollution. We just need to find more creative way to save wild animals and lands. 
And about the war, Just like Syria, they are killing innocent people. We have to stop them. They just want everything, our home, food, culture and religion. That is why people start war. 

Just my opinion