Response to "Global financial crisis analysis in 2017 - 2024 & The Lie We Live " ( Global financial crisis analysis in 2017-2024)

Global financial crisis analysis in 2017 - 2024:

Economics, unlike other sciences, depends on the unknown.And, because of that, we can never pinpoint when exactly it'd happen (if it happens at all). Let's just say that if things are left as is, and the current problems are left to swell up, then yes, there's a recession we're headed to. Whether it'll be 2016, or 18, we can't know for sure.

The problem of emerging economies (Except India, for now).Most of Asian developing (And even developed) countries follow a Export lead growth model, and they depend on foreign demand to boost their ow growth (Eg China, Japan, Singapore) If the western economies crash, so will these markets, and the world will be in a state of crisis.

The Lie We Live :

The economy should not be a target anymore. Since the development of science and technology, we have the ability to make everyone's life better, not so poor and so rich. We should not continue to be pondering over the material, And calm their own mind, only observe the material world people lose empathy, loss of kindness, lost love, replaced by violence in life around us, we prohibit corporal punishment, but more and more domestic violence, society violence. Material to meet, but the heart broke a big hole.The problem must be solved, and cover-up only causes a more severe outbreak.