by 趙永祥 2015-02-10 22:41:48, 回應(0), 人氣(1040)


2015/02/10 第201期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱  

Crowd Control 人群控制學問多
by Marcus Maurice

Instead of punishing people for bad behavior, why not reward them for good behavior?

  In parks all over the world, getting people to clean up after their dogs has always been a chore. Everyone loves spending time with their dogs running around or playing fetch outdoors, but they loathe having to bend down and clean up the poop that their pets will eventually leave on the ground. Signs have been put up all over the parks to remind dog owners that they need to clean up the poop, and people have even been threatened with fines, but nothing seems to have had a long-term effect on solving this problem. In National Geographic Channel's (NGC) Crowd Control, producers think outside the box. Instead of punishing people, they decide to reward them. In one park, a trash receptacle is outfitted with sensors to detect when people deposit bags of poop in it. Once this happens, a reward in the form of dog treats is given to owners to be fed to their dogs. Thiscauses quite a stir and gets more people to clean up after their dogs.
  Another problem is jaywalking. While it seems like a minor crime, onepedestrian gets injured every eight minutes around the world from jaywalking. The main reason people jaywalk is that they are impatient. At street corners, waiting one minute for a light can seem like an eternity. On Crowd Control, however, a small video game is installed at a crosswalk sign. Pedestrians can play the game with each other, and when they do, they do not even realize they have been waiting for a minute or think about jaywalking. This creative solution to a problem is just another prime example of why everyone needs to watch Crowd Control on NGC this month. 

  1. punish vt. 懲罰
    衍: punish sb for...  因……懲罰某人
    punishment n. 懲罰
    I punished my daughter for smoking cigarettes.
    You will receive severe punishment for breaking the law.
  2. reward vt. 獎賞 & n. 報酬
    衍: reward sb for (doing) sth  為了某人(從事)某事而給獎勵
    reward sb with sth  用某物獎賞某人
    Jason rewarded the children for behaving well.
    The general rewarded the soldier with a medal.
  3. chore n. 令人厭煩的任務;雜務
    衍: do chores  做雜事
    It is unfair to ask your eight-year-old sister to do all your chores.
  4. fetch n. & vt. 取來,拿來
    Please fetch me a glass of water with lemon.
  5. loathe vt. 厭惡,憎恨
    衍: loathe N/V-ing  厭惡(做)……
    Stella loathes eggplants above all other vegetables.
    Ray loathed visiting his girlfriend's parents because they always asked him questions about his job.
  6. eventually adv. 最後,終於
    We eventually found out why Joyce always looked so tired.
  7. threaten vt. 威脅
    衍: threaten to V  威脅要……
    The police threatened to throw the man in jail if he didn't sit down and be quiet.
  8. deposit vt. 放置;寄存
    Please deposit the money into my account by noon tomorrow.
  9. jaywalking n. 違規穿越馬路
    衍: jaywalk vi. 違規穿越馬路
    A couple of pedestrians were given tickets for jaywalking.
    The last time Ian jaywalked, he nearly got run over by a truck.
  10. pedestrian n. 行人
  11. impatient a. 沒耐心的
    衍: impatience n. 不耐煩
  12. eternity n. 永恆;不朽
  13. crosswalk n. 行人穿越道
  14. prime a. 主要的;首要的
    My prime concern right now is finding the best vet for my sick dog.

 receptacle n. 容器

  1. clean up after an animal / sb
    I'm not your mother to clean up after you.
  2. bend down  彎下身來
  3. think outside the box  跳脫舊思維的框架;想出別出心裁的點子
    同: think out of the box
    By thinking outside the box, Sophie discovered something new.
  4. be outfitted with...  配備……
    同: be equipped with...
    The luxury car is outfitted with a high-end stereo system.
    *high-end a. 高端的
  5. cause / create a stir  引發迴響;造成轟動
    stir n. 轟動
    Our company's basketball shoe ads have caused a stir.
