by 趙永祥 2015-07-08 18:24:27, 回應(0), 人氣(896)


1. 熱檸檬能殺癌細胞!

hot lemon water kills cancer cells

2. 切2~3薄片檸檬放在杯子裏,加入熱水,它會變成「鹼性水」,每天飲用,對任何人都有益。

add hot water to 2-3 slices of lemon. Make it a daily drink

3. 熱檸檬水能釋放一種苦澀抗癌物質,這是在醫藥領域有效治療癌症的最新進展,冰涷檸檬水只有維他命 C,就如番茄要煮熟才有茄紅素。

the bitterness in hot lemon water is the best substance to kill cancer cells. Cold lemon water only has vitamin C, no cancer prevention.
Cooked tomato has healing properties than the raw tomato.

4. 熱檸檬汁對囊腫及腫瘤產生影響。
hot lemon water can control cancer tumor growth.

5. 被證明能夠補救所有類型的癌症 
clinical tests had been proven hot lemon water can work.

6. 用檸檬萃取物這種類型的治療,只會破壞惡性腫瘤細胞,
另檸檬汁內的檸檬酸和檸檬多酚, 能調整高血壓,有效預防深靜脈栓塞,調整血液迴圈,減低血液凝塊。

hot lemon water can prevent blood clots.

You can try it.