Millennials are losing out on income these years.
by 趙永祥 2018-02-22 07:32:09, 回應(1), 人氣(1500)


Millennials are losing out on income these years.

Millennials are missing out on income compared to previous generations, according to a report from the Resolution Foundation. In a study of eight high-income countries, people born between 1980 and 2000 have an average household income of 4% less than Generation X did at the same age. The discrepancy is even more extreme in Spain and the UK, which have experienced generational “boom and bust” periods; UK millennials have seen “a deterioration in most measures of living standards,” following a long post-war boom, said Bloomberg. 

They've paid far more for a four year degree than their parents and grandparents, yet corporate America still thinks they are increasing earnings while decreasing the workforce and salaries.

America still thinks they are increasing earnings while decreasing the workforce and salaries. People make fun of them by saying they're still living in their parent’s basement, yet the reality is they cannot afford to live in the communities that are growing and providing jobs. I think Millenials have the greatest opportunity to show us how to innovate and disrupt the current status quo and May have the ability to shape the future in a positive way. Remember just a few weeks ago on Linked In we read that Millenials have significant savings in their bank accounts, some my Generation X and the Boomers cannot claim! And remember if we point the finger at them for any of their faults it is a reminder that we raised them and set the bad example.

Not to mention an abundance of Baby Boomers still clinging on to their jobs avoiding retirement, or the lack of labor jobs for the under skilled workers. Oh and how about the sky rocketing cost for college in comparison to our parents... There are so many factors but the older generations will say its because we don't like work.

I believe there is a generational difference in the way this so-called "millennial laziness" is perceived. My parents are some of the baby boomers who stay with the same company for years, but they don't understand that the job seeking process today is very different than it was even from 10 years ago. In my industry, networking is everything. While it may not be possible to completely understand these generational differences in how we view things, we can definitely make an effort to try.