by 趙永祥 2020-12-06 22:22:23, 回應(0), 人氣(370)

《聽星雲大師說:念清淨》  A Pure Mind


各位觀眾 Hello TV viewers. 大家平安吉祥 Peace and joy to you all. 今天跟各位講念清淨 Today I'm going to talk about the pure mind. 我想我們一個人 Every one of us 所謂舉心動念 sees our minds engaged. 我的心裡這個念頭 Our mind 不斷的起伏 keeps arising 不斷的分別 and discriminating. 所謂善念、惡念 We've good and evil thoughts. 所以很多的分別心 Our mind is discriminating, 很多的自私、自我的念頭 selfish and self-centred. 現在在佛法裡面 The Dharma 告訴我們在生活裡面 advises us that in our lives 一個重要修行的方法 there is an important practice 叫念清淨 called keeping a pure mind. 就是我們要想我們 If what we want 平安、歡喜、快樂的生活 is a life of peace and joy, 舉心動念 then when our mind arises, 念頭不但要正當而且要清淨 better make it righteous and purified. 好像桌子汙染了 很骯髒 This is like when a table is dirty, 坐到這裡就不會安心自在 you feel uncomfortable when using it. 房子裡面 In a house, 地下你都不把它打掃清潔乾淨 if the floor is not swept clean, 我們在裡面就不會快樂 you won't feel happy living in the house. 我們心裡面 Our mind is 實在說垃圾桶 actually like a trash can, 骯髒、垃圾很多 which is full of trash. 就是這個念頭不清淨 Our mind is also impure. 有時候想要去沾光別人的 Sometimes we want to gain benefit from others, 有時候想要嫉妒別人 sometimes we are jealous of others, 或者是瞋恨別人 or hate others, 怨怪別人 怨天尤人 or blame others. 這樣的舉心動念 When our mind is engaged like this, 不但是生活不能快樂 we will not live happily, 自己的德行、品格也不能提升 nor will our moral conduct be elevated. 所以念清淨 So keep a pure mind. 比方說佛、法、僧 Talking about the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, 你要念佛、念法、念僧 we need to be mindful of them. 念佛 Be mindful of the Buddha. 佛是大覺者 The Buddha is a man of great enlightenment. 你念佛你就能覺悟 If you are mindful of the Buddha you gain enlightenment, 覺悟就是明白 which is a kind of understanding. 去除妄念 In order to remove distraction 去除染污的念頭 or contamination, 要有正念、要有淨念 we need to have a right and pure mind. 念法就是我念真理 To be mindful of the Dharma is to be mindful of the truth. 我的心念都合乎道理 My mind conforms with the truth. 凡是那許多歪理邪理 The evil ideas 不正派的念頭我都不要 and crooked thoughts are discarded. 我沒有嫉妒別人 I'm never jealous of anybody. 我沒有去妄想 想入非非 I'm not distracted or whimsical. 我就是舉心動念要正派 I've a right engagement of mind. 念僧 Mindful of the Sangha. 僧就是好像念觀音菩薩 This is like to be mindful of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. 你念觀音、學觀音 If you're able to be mindful of her, learn after her, 作觀世音 see her as your model, 你還有什麼歪念邪念嗎 what evil ideas will you still harbor? 你念觀音就有慈悲的念頭 A compassionate mind arises when you're mindful of her. 你念或者地藏王菩薩 If you're mindful of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, 地藏王都有大願力 who has a great vow, 你就發願普度眾生、待人好 you'll also vow to deliver beings and treat men well, 為人服務 and serve them. 你哪裡會有什麼歪念邪念呢 Then what evil ideas will you still harbor? 所以修行 學佛的人 So Buddhist practitioners or learners 這個念清淨 should have a pure mind. 至少念佛、念法、念僧 By being mindful of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, 舉心動念都得清淨 our mind that arises becomes purified. 那就最安樂、最歡喜的 This means peace and joy for us all.