by 趙永祥 2020-12-06 22:43:10, 回應(0), 人氣(512)



各位觀眾 大家好 Hi, welcome to our program. 今天和各位講四大皆空 Today, I would like to talk about Emptiness of The Four Elements. 你們各位大家 Although many people like you 對佛教儘管是不了解 don't really understand the Buddhism, 不過你們都會說 but you all learn to say, 四大皆空 "Empty in the four elements." 見到出家人了 When you meet Buddhist monks, 別的話都沒有想到 you are remindful of nothing 就想到四大皆空 but the phrase of Emptiness of The Four Elements, 這個人「四大皆空」了 thinking the man is "empty in the four elements." 這一個不是正確的 This is not a correct conception. 四大皆空 about Emptiness of The Four Elements? 它是很科學的 In fact, it is quite scientific. 好像這個空不容易懂 Maybe the emptiness here is not easy to understand. 我們不如說是四大皆有吧 We may just explain it from being of the four elements. 空即是色 We say that emptiness is existing. 不空沒「有」呀 Without emptiness means no existing. 你看我們的口袋不空 If my pocket is not empty, 錢要放到哪裡 how could I put the money in it? 這個房子不空 If the house is not empty, 我們怎麼好在裡面作業 how could we live in it? 這個虛空不空 If the universe is not empty, 這個宇宙森羅萬象 how could various phenomena 怎麼會在裡面存在 exist in it? 所以空是存在的意思 So emptiness means being. 空是建設有的意思 It means a constructive existing. 所以講四大皆空 So we say that the four basic elements are empty. 四大就是 The four elements include 地大、水大 earth, water 火大、風大 fire, and wind. 地、水、火、風 Earth, water, fire, and wind. 四大種的因緣和合成為人 When the four elements meet with conditions, 成為世界 they give rise to human being and the world. 比方說地大就是堅硬性的 For example, earth is substantial by nature. 像我們人就是骨肉、毛髮 That can be like human bone, flesh, of hairs. 水大就是我們的大小便 And water can be like our excreta, urine 吐痰、流汗 phlegm, or sweat. 火大就是我們的溫暖 Fire can be like the warmth of our body. 風大就是我們的呼吸、氣 Wind can be like our breath. 假如我這個四大不調和 If the four elements are not well conditioned, 不就有病了嗎 they will give rise to illness. 四大調和就是四大皆空 But once well conditioned, they will become emptiness 就能存在 which can take in existing. 這個房子 Take the house as example, 你看鋼筋的地 you can see the floor constructed by cement and iron, 水泥的地大 which belong to element of earth. 這個都是要有這種水分 They need water 來調和水泥 to blend with cement. 風、流動 Then wind blows, 溫度、太陽 and the sun warms it up. 它也要地水火風 They all need earth, water, fire, and wind. 少了一大 With one element lacking 這個房子就不能完成了 the house will fail to be accomplished. 宇宙之間任何一個動物、植物 Any animal or plant in the universe, 任何一個什麼 everything, 每一個它都是 whatever it is, 四大種的因緣和合則成 they are all composed of the four elements plus conditions. 如果四大種因緣分散 If conditions and the four elements are dispersed, 它就會不存在了 the thing will disappear. 所以四大皆空 So the four elements are empty. 這四大 These four elements 就是和合及存在的意思 refer to the meaning of composing and existing. 所以我們認識這個佛法 So once we realize this Dharma, 四大皆空它就是一句真理 we will regard it as a truth. 我們應該重視這個因緣 Then we will understand the importance of conditions. 這個地也好、水也好 Whether for earth, water 火也好、風也好 fire, or wind, 如果它們不相關連 if they are not connected, 各自為政不能成事 they will still fall apart. 你說把我這一個人 Just like me, a human being, 骨頭、毛髮分到一邊 if the bone, hairs 我的肌肉、水分分到一邊 flesh, water, 我的各種……把我解剖分散 and all composites are separated, 那我就不能存在了 then I will not be existing. 這個房子 The same goes for the house, 把磚頭、瓦片都拆除分散了 if bricks and tiles of roof are torn down, 這個房子也不存在了 the house will be no longer there. 所以因此因緣才能存在 They are existing because of conditions. 我們各位觀眾們 So my dear friends, 家庭、社會、朋友 our family, society, and friends 都是我們的因緣 are the cause and condition of our existence. 我們好好的結合 We should have good connections toward them. 他們的好因好緣 With good cause and condition, 我們就能所謂「共生吉祥」 we will have the benefit of favorable co-existence, 共生存在 living together happily. 讓我們大家同體共生 Let us be co-existing as a common entity, 過一個美好的人生 and have a wonderful life. 謝謝大家 Thank you very much.
