by 趙永祥 2020-12-06 22:55:17, 回應(0), 人氣(425)



各位觀眾 大家好 Hi, everybody. 我想各位會經常聽到 I think you may be familiar with 有兩句話 two sayings 叫慈悲為本 which are "to act by compassion", 方便為門 and "to facilitate others as approaches." 講到這個慈悲 Talking about compassionate mind, 人 什麼東西都可以丟棄 one can throw away everything 慈悲不能丟棄的 but his kind heart. 一個人沒有慈悲心 If one is without compassion, 他就不像一個人 he will not be sound in personality. 所以我講到慈悲的種類 For me, the types of compassion 當然有層次的 can be of different levels, 我分四點來說 which I classify as four types as follows. 第一是 寂寞的慈悲 Firstly, the silent compassion. 你看有的人 Some people, 沒有人知道 with no one knowing them, 他默默的行善 are doing good quietly. 他也不要人家的感謝 They don't want any acknowledgement from others, 他就一直的為人布施 and just practice generosity all the way, 喜捨、幫助人 being happy to help people and give alms. 所謂修橋鋪路 They repair bridges and construct roads, 對人家做了多少的貢獻 doing lots of contributions to others. 看起來沒有人表揚他 Although nobody praises them 沒有人讚美他 or honors them in public, 但是他內心很充實 but they feel rich in heart. 第二點 就是熱鬧的慈悲 Secondly, the compassion performed with others. 有的人都感到 Some people seeing 這個人做善事 others' good deeds, 我也跟他做 they then take part in it. 這個人去修橋 When someone are repairing a bridge, 我也給他隨喜贊助 they feel happy and offer their service too. 這個什麼人 These people are zealous 臨時哪裡海嘯、地震 in helping people suffered 大家都在忙救濟 from tidal waves or seism whenever it happens. 我也要去 They like to 去幫忙救濟 give helping hand in every occasion. 那個是熱鬧的慈悲 That's what I call the compassion performed with others. 第三 有緣的慈悲 Thirdly, the compassion on relationships by fate. 有緣的慈悲就是 The compassion on relationships by fate means 我的家人 whenever our family members, 父母、兄弟姐妹 our parents, brothers, sisters, 我的朋友、鄰居 friends, neighbors 我的同鄉、同學 our hometown fellows, classmates, 跟我有關係的 or anyone related to us 他有了困難了 have difficulties, 我跟他很有緣分 we have compassion on them 我跟他有關係 and give them helping hand 我要對他慈悲、幫助 because of the tie of fate and that relationship. 第四點 叫無緣的慈悲 Fourthly, the compassion without relationship of fate. 無緣的慈悲就是 The compassion without relationship of fate refers to 他不是我什麼朋友親戚 helping people who are not our friends or relatives. 我也不認識他 Although we don't know them, 我們國家也不同 and they came from different country 種族也不同 with different races, 我們的身份什麼都不同 social status and all conditions, 不過我知道他有苦難 but when we know that they are in difficulty, 我就要去幫助他 we are willing to give them our help. 所以因此這個慈悲 So the compassion 你有時候有的人有選擇的 sometimes is practiced with a choice object, 你都不選擇and sometimes without any, 無緣 because of non relationship of fate. 這個是可以說 That can be 無緣的慈悲 the compassion without relationship of fate 是慈悲當中 which is, among all types of compassion, 最重要的慈悲 the most important 最好的慈悲 and the most precious one. 這個慈悲心要學習 So when we learn to be compassionate 才開始的時候 to other people at beginning, 當然對有緣的人慈悲 we can practice it to people related to us, 慢慢的要學習 and learn little by little, 就像觀世音大慈大悲 taking as a model the great compassion of 救苦救難 Kuan-Inn Bodhisattva to relieve the suffering and the distressed. 他不要有緣分 For him, he doesn't concern any relationship by fate or not. 只要你有苦難 Once people are in danger, 我就來了 he will rescue them. 所以我們應該學習 So this type of compassion without relationship by fate 這一種無緣的慈悲 is what we should take as a model. 慈悲人人要有 Everyone should have a compassionate mind 慈悲人人都應該學習的 and learn to be compassionate. 所以慈悲的四種 So the four types of compassion are as follows. 第一 寂寞的慈悲要做 Firstly, to perform the silent compassion. 第二 熱鬧的慈悲也要做 Secondly, to practice also the compassion with others. 第三 Thirdly, to perform still more 有緣的慈悲更要做 the compassion on relationships by fate. 第四 無緣的慈悲 Fourthly, to perform especially the compassion 當然要做 without relationship by fate. 感謝大家收看 Thank you very much.
