by 趙永祥 2020-12-06 23:54:58, 回應(0), 人氣(471)





各位觀眾 大家好 Hi, everybody. 今天我和各位講 Today I am going to talk about 適可而止 "exercising moderation". 由於我們做人 As we conduct ourselves in society, 都不能做得越分 we should act with propriety. 它總有一個限度嘛 Everything has an appropriate way. 也不能跟不上 We should not fall behind, 跟不上就落伍了 or we will be behind the times. 所以說話、做事、用錢等等 We should always exercise moderation 都應該適可而止 in speaking, doing things, or spending money. 有四點 I have four points about this. 第一 勢力不可以使盡 Firstly, to not abuse the power. 你有勢力 When you have power, 毫無顧忌的 you abuse it 用你的勢力做人處事 and use your influence to handle everything. 而讓人害怕 Your behavior makes people afraid. 這是錯誤的 That is wrong. 就是有勢力 You shall not use up all your power 也不能把它統統用盡 even if you have it. 拳頭有力 A blow of fist is powerful. 但是這個拳頭打出去 But you will exhaust your strength 就沒有力了 用盡了 once you really swing that fist. 這個拳頭你要在這裡蓄勢待發 You should keep that power in your fist. 不要用盡 Don't use it all up. 勢力也是的 The same goes to people with social influence. 有勢力、有為 還要有德 With your power, you should offer services 不要把勢力用盡 and cultivate virtues. Don't abuse it. 第二點 福報不可以享盡 Secondly, to not use up the good fortune. 哦 那個人家呀 Some wealthy families 生意做得很好啊 have prosperous business, 房子住得很大呀 and they live in big houses 那個人家的田園很多啊 with many real estates, 那個人家的汽車、僕人很多呀 several cars, and servants. 真有福報 That's their fortunate reward. 想有什麼就有什麼 They will have whatever they want 想要什麼就有什麼 and whatever they wish. 也不能啊 But they had better 福報不可以享盡啊 not to use up that good fortune. 等於銀行的存款 It's just like the money put in a bank. 你用光了 Once you use it all up, 就貧窮了 you will become poor. 你把福報 The fortunate reward should be 像金錢存一點在銀行嘛 regarded as money. You put it in the bank, 要慢慢用嘛 and then spend it little by little. 所以有福報的時候也要節儉啦 So one still needs to be modest when enjoying good fortune. 第三點 金錢不可以用盡 Thirdly, to not use up your wealth. 我很有錢花天酒地 Some wealthy people lead a life of debauchery, 我很有錢 thinking that they are rich, 隨便亂用錢 and spending money like water. 錢用完啦 But once the money is all gone, 你求人很困難 it's embarrassed to ask for help. 求人難 To ask for loan 求財比天更難 is even much difficult. 所以有錢慢慢用 So even you are rich, 細水長流嘛 be abstemious in spending it. 你何必一時把它用完了呢 Why use it all up at a rush? 所以金錢不可以用盡 So we should also be modest in spending money. 第四點 好話不可以說盡 Fourthly, to not be excessive in your praise. 你說好話 When praising someone, 好話也要適可而止 the good words we use should be appropriate. 你太多的讚美 If you go too far in your praises 太多的好話 and say too many good words, 人家也會認為你很虛偽 people will think you a hypocrite, 你不真實 that you are not sincere. 所以好話要適可而止 So your good words must be just right. 讚美人也不能讚了過了頭 Try to be moderate in your praise; 好話也不能說的越分了 be neither too much nor too little. 所以好話不可以把它說盡 The good words should not be overdone. 總之世間上 So it is better that 做人處事都有應對啊 we exercise moderation 適可而止 towards everyone and everything. 中道的生活最重要 To lead a moderate life is the most important. 所以今天的四點 So we have four points about moderation. 就是第一點 Firstly, 勢力不可以使盡 to not abuse the power. 第二點 福報不可以享盡 Secondly, to not use up the good fortune. 第三點 金錢不可以用盡 Thirdly, to not use up your wealth. 第四點 好話不可以說盡 fourthly, to not be excessive in your praise. 這以上四點 I am glad to share with you 請各位參考 the four points above. 謝謝大家 阿彌陀佛 Thank you very much. Amitabha.