by 趙永祥 2020-12-16 08:39:11, 回應(0), 人氣(494)




各位觀眾大家好 Hello TV viewers, 我們做佛弟子的人 Buddhists like us 我們知道佛 know the single word Fo (Buddha) 這是一個簡單的稱呼 which is an abbreviated title. 實際上我們都應該稱佛陀 In fact we shall say Fotuo, a compound word. 在南傳佛教用英文都 Buddha The southern tradition of Buddhism says "the Buddha" in English, 就是佛陀的意思 which refers to Fotuo. 佛陀這個在中國的字裡面 In Chinese, Fotuo 就是覺悟的覺者 means an awakened man 就是覺悟的人 or a person who got enlightened. 這個大覺者 A great awakened man 是要具備所謂佛陀的這種覺悟 shall have the kind of enlightenment like the Buddha had. 他有十種讚美他的名號 There are 10 complimentary titles for the Buddha. 我們說他如來 We call him the Tathagatha (Thus Come), 如如而來 because he came from true suchness 如如不動而來說法 to preach to everyone and stayed unchanged. 叫如來 This is Tathagatha. 應供 應該受世間供養 Another title, Worthy of Offerings means he is worthy of the offerings from people. 也有叫世間解 He is also called A Knower of the Secular World 佛陀對這個世間他非常瞭解 because he knew so well about the world. 比方說 For example, 佛觀一杯水 八萬四千蟲 when the Buddha observed a glass of water, he saw 84,000 germs. 在過去也沒有顯微鏡 In the past, there was no microscope. 哪一個人知道說 How could one know 一瓶水裡面有八萬四千微生蟲 there were 84,000 microorganisms in a glass of water? 但現在科學發達就知道 But in modern science, it's easy to find out the fact. 對了 很多的 Yeap, there are many. 一瓶水裡面 In a glass of water, 可能不只八萬四千的細菌 there might be more than 84,000 germs. 佛陀說 我看這個地球這個世界 The Buddha said, to him, the world looked 如菴摩羅果 like an amalaka fruit. 現在這個地球 The appearance of the Earth 過去都不得能知道 was unknown 這個地球是什麼樣子 to many in the past 在幾千年前沒有人知道 several thousand years. Yet, back then, 佛就說它一個水果一樣 the Buddha had already said that it looked like a fruit. 現在這地球 The globe as we see it now 不是圓的一個像個水果一樣嗎 is round like the shape of a fruit. 所以佛陀對這個世間的很多的 Therefore the Buddha knew a lot 他都瞭解 about the world. 就如《金剛經》裡面 For example, the Diamond Sutra says: 一切有為法 如夢幻泡影 All conditioned dharmas are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows, 如露亦如電 應作如是觀 dew, lightning, and all of them should be contemplated in this way. 一切有為的法 All conditioned dharmas 就是世間法 are mundane dharmas, 如夢一樣 and they are like dreams, 如電一樣 like lightning, 如露一樣 like dew, 如泡沫一樣 like bubbles, 如夢一樣 and like dreams, 這都不實在 which are not real. 你說很多發財的人 Many of the people who have gained sudden wealth 今天是百萬富翁 are millionaires today. 可能財富五家共有 Yet, since their wealth is shared by the five communities, 明天一文莫名 they might go broke tomorrow, 變成一個窮漢 and become poor men. 因為世間無常 Because nothing is permanent in the world. 可能一個貧窮的人 For a poor man, 他的時來運轉 when the luck comes his way, 因緣福報找到他了 he will be so blessed that 他一下子發財致富 he strikes it rich! 世間法 The mundane dharmas 所謂無常 are impermanent. 無常 Impermanence 好的無常 can be good 壞的也無常 and bad. 所以因為有無常 Because of impermanence, 我們就可以改變 we can make a change, 我們就可以有未來、有希望 we have our future hope. 像這許多好的道理 Take the truth and 這些佛法 the Buddha Dharma for example, 佛陀他有大智慧、大覺悟 it is the Buddha who had great wisdom and enlightenment 所以先知先覺告訴我們 to reveal them to us as he had the foresight. 世間解 He was a Knower of the Secular World. 現在科學家他研究這個世間 Scientists who study the world 還沒有到統統瞭解 have not yet fully understood it. 但佛陀佛經裡面 But in the sutras, the Buddha 對世間的道理 had revealed the truth about the secular world 確實他有通盤的瞭解 showing that he had a deep understanding of it. 所以我們讚美佛陀 Therefore we praise the Buddha 另外一個名號就說他世間解 with the title "A Knower of the Secular World". 希望大家認識 Hope everyone has a better idea now. 祝福大家 Blessings to you all.