What Is a Profit and Loss Statement (P&L)?

The profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period, usually a fiscal quarter or year. The P&L statement is synonymous with the income statement.

These records provide information about a company's ability or inability to generate profit by increasing revenue, reducing costs, or both. Some refer to the P&L statement as a statement of profit and loss, income statement, statement of operations, statement of financial results or income, earnings statement, or expense statement.

For non-profit organizations, revenues and expenses are generally tracked in a financial report called the statement of activities (sometimes called statement of financial activities or statement of support).

P&L management refers to how a company handles its P&L statement through revenue and cost management.


  • The P&L statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period.
  • The P&L statement is one of three financial statements every public company issues quarterly and annually, along with the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.
  • It is important to compare P&L statements from different accounting periods, as the changes in revenues, operating costs, R&D spending, and net earnings over time are more meaningful than the numbers themselves.
  • Together with the balance sheet and cash flow statement, the P&L statement provides an in-depth look at a company's financial performance.


    The income statement table is on the bottom.