Five Most Important Types of Internet Marketing for Small Businesses
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Five Most Important Types of Internet Marketing for Small Businesses

In BlogTips

April 25, 2019

Internet marketing is the combination of techniques and channels that we use to boost the online presence of a business. These channels, in general, are called types of internet marketing.

Different types of internet marketing use different approach to help business sites reach more customers. You must understand and blend all of them in one to get the best results from your digital marketing campaign.
Here are the different methods of internet marketing.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the collection of techniques used to rank a website higher on Google Search Results.
Say that a person types a specific keyword (query) in the Google Search Box. Then, the search engine goes through every website in its listing and shows those which have the best content regarding that searched keyword.

Thus, SEO means optimizing the stuff that Google considers essential to a quality website. Also known as ‘ranking factors,’ according to experts, there are more than 200 of these. However, the most important ones include keywords usage, site speed, relevant content, backlinks, mobile usability (responsiveness) and voice search optimization.

Some Important SEO Tips and Tricks for GoogleYou would want to incorporate these tips to create a considerable following through SEO:
Use Applicable KeywordsRemember that your keywords should be based on what people search on the internet and not what you expect them to explore. You can use various software such as SEMRush, Aherfs, etc. to give yourself an idea about what words you should target with your website.
Increase the Page Site SpeedAccording to data from econsultancy, 40% of people close a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Well, the page speed of a site matters more than you think. To give you an idea, according to a research, for every extra second it takes a page to load, Amazon loses an estimated 1.6 billion dollars in sales each year. This converts to the site losing 7% of its business, and the data applies to every commerce website.
You will lose a lot of potential customers if your page does not load fast. So, do everything you can to increase the speed- use a better hosting, delete unwanted scripts, etc.

Relevant Content

The content on your website should answer the people’s inquiry.
Google monitors the following metrics to check if the content is significant.

Dwell Time:

It is the time that a user spends on your website after clicking on your link. If you have interesting content, then there is going to be more dwell time which in turn increases the search ranking position.

Bounce Rate:

Bounce rate measures the number of people who close your website immediately after opening it. More precisely, it is the percentage distribution of your website visitors who don’t click on any links. Higher bounce rate translates to your site not having interesting content.

Original Content and Page Value:

The search engine can recognize duplicate content, and thus you put yourself in trouble if you copy and paste anything from the internet. At the same time, you should not add pages which have very little less value, i.e., less content.


When credible websites in your niche have links that point to your site, Google concludes that the latter is a good one. At the same time, if you have links in spam websites, you can very much expect the search engine to cite your website as junk.

Thus, backlinks are essential aspects of Google Search Ranking. One thing to note that is that your goal is not only a high number of backlinks but also the quality.

Mobile Usability

As of February 2017, 49.7% percent of web views were done on mobile devices. Well, as of now, more people use the internet through their phones than their desktops. Due to this reason, the search engine introduced Mobile First Indexing.

Since March 2018, Google has been considering the mobile version of a website as the top priority while giving it a rank.  So, you should focus on developing your mobile site if you want your SEO to convert.

In 2020, Google has updated its indexation bots to crawl websites on a mobile-FIRST basis, instead of desktop. If your site is not mobile-first, it is time to look into a total website redesign.

Voice Search Optimization

Researches for voice search showed that by January 2018, there was an average of one billion voice searches every month. This comes in accordance with devices such as Alexa and AIs like Cortana, Siri and Google Voice being more prevalent among people.
The trend of voice search is increasing. Keep this in mind, and optimize your website for keywords that people more likely use when they are putting their inquiry on the mic.


Find out how to choose a reliable SEO company to work with and to avoid a cheap one as the latter will eventually cost you more in the long term. Read up on more SEO success stories and case studies to learn from mistakes that they have made.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is another type of internet marketing. It means creating interactive content which can be articles, videos, infographics, etc. that generate interest in people towards your product.

Content marketing and SEO go hand in hand, given that relevant content is a vital aspect of SEO in 2019.

Using content to sell works wonder. It is estimated that in 2019, content marketing strategies will generate more than $300 billion. (Source: Medium)

Tips for Content MarketingCreate High-Quality ContentWhatever content you create, you focus on how good it is. Consider hiring professionals if you are not experienced with the type of stuff you want to put in your site. You can also build out a strong topic or content cluster that revolves around a focused subject.

Incorporate Videos

Videos should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy. According to Google, half of the population between 18 to 34 years old will stop what they are doing to watch an interesting YouTube video. The point of this is to tell you how videos have taken over people’s interest, so you will go a long way if you can use graphics as a tool to get a way inside people’s mind.

Create Content for a Purpose

This one tip will take you a long way. You can use content to either tell, sell or generate leads. The type of content you should create depends on knowing what you want to do among these three.

Know your audience;

just don’t go around writing anything that comes in your mind. Incorporate the goal of the content that you have and the interests of the demographics of your buyer- and only then you create something worthy of being called content marketing strategy.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you promote someone else’s product and gain commission every time you sell something. You use your website or social media profile(s) for helping sellers find buyers.
A trending topic these days, this type of marketing strategy has been proven to be very efficient. Around 81% of total brands use affiliate marketing these days.

Affiliate marketing is a ‘profit for all’ type of scheme. The owner of a product gets more visitors, while people with excellent influential skills can make money. On the other side, customers can find products more easily.

Tips for Affiliate Marketing

Choose a Niche

You need to choose a specific subject of interest and sell products related to that field. Doing this will ensure that you can learn in-depth about a particular type of market and master it rather than knowing traces of knowledge about different classes of items and going nowhere with it.
Enhance Your Content Marketing/ Influencer Marketing SkillsThe thing will all the types of internet marketing on this list is that they are highly interconnected with each other. You can make people intrigued by what you say if you can create quality content. Affiliate marketing is highly dependent on beliefs and creditability- make sure you become someone people are willing to lay their trust.

Only Work with Companies that You think are Good

This includes the company you are promoting and also the affiliate marketing network. The entire channel is about building a long-term relationship of trust.
You are trying to give business to a company, so you must be as passionate as it is about the market. 

Don’t join an affiliate marketing network only because it seems to pay more; it will just waste your time if you can’t sustain the work for a long period.

E-Mail Marketing

91% of consumers use Email daily as the primary communication tool.

You make use of this average to make money through email marketing.
In email marketing, you send emails to potential customers introducing them to your product/ service. You write about some daily problems they might be having and pen how your creation can help them solve that.

People tend to take email as a very much credible source.

This has contributed highly to the incredible ROI on e-mail marketing. According to a report, the average Return- On Investment of E-mail marketing is 44 times the money you spend.

Tips for Email Marketing

Build a Fanbase

Going around sending emails to everyone you can think of might be a good idea, but only on the beginning. As time passes, you should focus on people are genuinely interested in your e-mails and target your messages towards them. This way, they will ask about your next mail themselves.
Excellent Call to ActionDon’t write some boring technical sentences while doing e-mail marketing. Hire a creative content writer who can first point out the problems, make a story, tell about your service and gradually make people more willing to buy what you sell.

Send Regular EmailsConsistency is the key to email marketing. Never get lost one day and then appear out of nowhere after months still expecting people to give the same response rate.

Email marketing can be hard to convert at first, but you must never give up. As you already know about the Return on Investment potential, you can expect a lot after you get a hold of it.

Analyze your Competition

102.6 trillion email exchanges happen every year.
From this data, we can conclude that millions of emails are sent for marketing. The thing with email marketing is that people can do it privately. So, there is a huge probability that you have competitions that you don’t even know about.

Be careful and adroit- don’t let any parties take away your consumers from you.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing involves availing social media and its services for gaining customers.
In a world where there more than 3.397 active social media users, this type of internet marketing provides you endless opportunities.

Social Media Marketing is not a complicated topic given that you understand how to uses one of the sites. However, it requires extensive hard work and a strategic mind to become successful with the digital marketing channel.

As mentioned in the SEO section above, social media marketing has a very strong correlation with it, beginning 2020 as social signals has become a very important ranking factor for organic search.

How to Do Social Media Marketing

Here are some tips that will help you see through a social media marketing campaign.
Move on With a PlanAs we said, you will need to have a strategic mind. You must analyze who your customers and competitors are and then create social media posts based on that. Also, you should have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish through each content, and have a picture in your mind of where you want to be in the coming days

Use a Channel Which People Are Most Likely to Use

70% of the total US population uses Facebook while only 24% use Twitter.
However, Japan has 45 million active Twitter users and only 28 million prefer Facebook in the country. Depending on the demography and interests, people seem to use different social media.

Also, trying to put the same amount of focus on every platform, at least at the first stages creates failures. You should first emphasize on one social media site, master it and only then move on to other platforms.

Regular Quality Posts

Post as much as you and, and never post without the intention to grow. You should always give your customers something to talk about. Also, try to reply to as many audiences as you can, take their feedback and answer their questions.

People see social media as a source to communicate, and you must do the same. What we are trying to assert here is that you should imagine stepping on the same ground as your costumers, rather than thinking of social media as a marketplace.