Sanctions leave Russian rouble routed
by 趙永祥 2022-03-04 01:11:49, 回應(0), 人氣(517)

Forecasts in Focus 

Sanctions leave Russian rouble routed

Following the devastating invasion of Ukraine by Russia on 24 February, the international condemnation was quick to arrive, and the impacts were felt immediately. The Russian rouble slumped to a record low against the U.S. dollar on Monday, depreciating 30% in the largest one-day move in the currency’s modern history, while the stock market had slumped 40% before trading halted. 

In response, the Bank of Russia more than doubled interest rates to 20% in an emergency move, and told exporting companies to sell 80% of their foreign currency revenues in an attempt to support the rouble.

The market freefall came following a raft of stringent Western sanctions that effectively froze the majority of Russia’s foreign currency reserves—estimated at over USD 640 billion—and blocked a number of domestic banks from the SWIFT international payment settlement network in a bid to cause a banking crisis. 

Pre-empting the moves, the Bank of Russia sold around USD 1 billion in reserves in the days leading up to the sanctions. Still, the rouble’s collapse revealed an isolated government facing serious economic distress.