How to control Inflation ?
by 趙永祥 2022-07-15 14:56:05, 回應(0), 人氣(302)

How to control Inflation ?

A country’s financial regulator shoulders the important responsibility of keeping inflation in check. It is done by implementing measures through monetary policy, which refers to the actions of a central bank or other committees that determine the size and rate of growth of the money supply.

In the U.S., the Fed's monetary policy goals include moderate long-term interest rates, price stability, and maximum employment. Each of these goals is intended to promote a stable financial environment. The Federal Reserve clearly communicates long-term inflation goals in order to keep a steady long-term rate of inflation, which is thought to be beneficial to the economy.11

Price stability—or a relatively constant level of inflation—allows businesses to plan for the future since they know what to expect. The Fed believes that this will promote maximum employment, which is determined by non-monetary factors that fluctuate over time and are therefore subject to change. For this reason, the Fed doesn't set a specific goal for maximum employment, and it is largely determined by employers' assessments. Maximum employment does not mean zero unemployment, as at any given time there is a certain level of volatility as people vacate and start new jobs.

Monetary authorities also take exceptional measures in extreme conditions of the economy. For instance, following the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. Fed has kept the interest rates near zero and pursued a bond-buying program called quantitative easing (QE).12

 Some critics of the program alleged it would cause a spike in inflation in the U.S. dollar, but inflation peaked in 2007 and declined steadily over the next eight years.13 There are many complex reasons why QE didn't lead to inflation or hyperinflation, though the simplest explanation is that the recession itself was a very prominent deflationary environment, and quantitative easing supported its effects.

Consequently, the U.S. policymakers have attempted to keep inflation steady at around 2% per year.14 The European Central Bank (ECB) has also pursued aggressive quantitative easing to counter deflation in the eurozone, and some places have experienced negative interest rates. That's due to fears that deflation could take hold in the eurozone and lead to economic stagnation.15 

Moreover, countries that are experiencing higher rates of growth can absorb higher rates of inflation. India's target is around 4% (with an upper tolerance of 6% and a lower tolerance of 2%), while Brazil aims for 3.5% (with an upper tolerance of 5% and a lower tolerance of 2%).161718


Hyperinflation is often described as a period of inflation of 50% or more per month.

Hedging Against Inflation

Stocks are considered to be the best hedge against inflation, as the rise in stock prices is inclusive of the effects of inflation. Since additions to the money supply in virtually all modern economies occur as bank credit injections through the financial system, much of the immediate effect on prices happens in financial assets that are priced in their home currency, such as stocks.

Special financial instruments exist that one can use to safeguard investments against inflation. They include Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), low-risk treasury security that is indexed to inflation where the principal amount invested is increased by the percentage of inflation.19

One can also opt for a TIPS mutual fund or TIPS-based exchange-traded fund (ETF). To get access to stocks, ETFs, and other funds that can help to avoid the dangers of inflation, you'll likely need a brokerage account. Choosing a stockbroker can be a tedious process due to the variety among them.

Gold is also considered to be a hedge against inflation, although this doesn't always appear to be the case looking backward.

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