What is GDP per capita?
by 趙永祥 2022-07-15 16:13:32, 回應(0), 人氣(313)

What is GDP per capita?

GDP per capita stands for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita (per person). It is derived from a straightforward division of total GDP (see definition of GDP) by the population. Per capita GDP is typically expressed in local current currency, local constant currency or a standard unit of currency in international markets, such as the U.S. dollar (USD).

GDP per capita is an important indicator of economic performance and a useful unit to make cross-country comparisons of average living standards and economic wellbeing. However, GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income and using it for cross-country comparisons also has some known weaknesses. In particular, GDP per capita does not take into account income distribution in a country. In addition, cross-country comparisons based on the U.S. dollar can be distorted by exchange rate fluctuations and often don’t reflect the purchasing power in the countries being compared.

The table below shows the GDP per capita in current U.S. dollars (USD) by country for the last five years. 

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