by 趙永祥 2023-04-19 20:39:53, 回應(0), 人氣(325)




Hello TV viewers. 大家平安吉祥 Peace and joy to you all. 今天和各位大家講結善緣 Today I'm going to talk about forming good affinities. 在佛門裡面一直常鼓勵我們 Buddhism always encourages us 要廣結善緣 to broadly form good affinities. 這很重要的 This is very important. 人在世間上 In the world, 一個人單獨不能存在 a man cannot live alone. 一定要靠很多的因緣 He has to rely on many causes and conditions 幫助我存在 for his existence. 所以我要廣結善緣以後 If I've broadly formed good affinities, 我不必去找人家幫忙 when I need help, even I don't reach out for help, 那個因緣都會來找我的 the causes and conditions will still reach me. 如果我沒有結緣 If I've not formed any affinities,
人家說煮熟的鴨子都會飛了 even a chance will slip through your fingers. 本來好事 What is originally a good thing 到那時候不能成 may still have a bad ending, 因為他沒有結緣 simply because he hasn't formed any affinities 就會破壞了 and so he messes it up. 尤其這個結緣 Affinities in particular 有善緣、有惡緣 can be good or bad. 你常常有的人 There are often people 不懂得口邊留德 who pull no punches when they speak 甚至寫文章的不懂得筆下留德 or when they write. 有錢 不知道用金錢去 Even when they have money, they don't know using it 布施做一點功德 to make a donation and gain some merits. 自己有力量 It's advised that if one has the ability, 能可以給人服務、幫忙 he should serve or help others 做一些功德 so as to make some merits 做一些結緣 or form some affinities. 他不但沒有結善緣 One who doesn't form good affinities 結惡緣 but forms bad affinities instead 或者講話得罪了人 is all because his speech 或者是自己行為冒犯了人 or behavior offends others, 沒有禮貌 or he's so rude 這就傲 驕傲的態度 and arrogant that 沒有結善緣 no good affinities can be formed. 所以我們有的時候 Sometimes, 一個好人 a good guy 他就有很多的善緣幫助 has many good affinities to help him. 甚至於有就是 Even though at times 有一些不如意的一些語言 he may encounter a slur 不如意的事情 or bad luck, 也會成為他的增上緣 all this will serve as his good condition 會反而給他有力量 giving him power 讓他更加的增上、更加的進步 so that he is on the upswing 更加的精進 and becomes more diligent.

所以懂得修行的人 Practitioners like us 你念佛、拜佛、禪坐 chant the Buddha's name, bow to the Buddha, and sit in mediation. 固然是修行 All these are practices. 你在生活裡面能可以 But in your daily life, you can also 身、口、意都可以廣結善緣 broadly form good affinities physically, verbally and mentally. 我兩個手 Both my hands 可以幫人做一些事情 can help people do something. 我兩條腿 Both my legs 幫人家跑個路、帶個信 can help run errands. 我一張口都說一些好話 My mouth speaks nice things
口頭隨口功德 or I compliantly rejoice 隨喜讚歎 at others' good acts. 都是結善緣 This also forms good affinities. 甚至我身體殘障 Even I'm the otherly abled, 我口也不會說話 or dumb, 我心裡面能為人祝福 I can, right in my mind, bless people, 我心裡面能可以跟人家隨喜 or compliantly rejoice at others' good acts, 我心裡面跟人家隨緣 or simply follow the conditions. 這個人生不要逆緣 Don't let adverse conditions affect your life. 逆水行舟 It is like peddling a boat upstream, 不容易進步反而容易退下來 if you don't make progress, you will go backwards. 你要順水而行 You better follow the stream, 所以隨緣 and follow the conditions. 我們要能可以 We should be able to 我常講我們要能隨緣生活 live following the conditions; 隨心自在 be carefree; 隨喜而安 and compliantly rejoice at others' good acts. 我們要能可以隨喜隨緣 Let's compliantly rejoice and follow the conditions. 這個就是最美好的生活 This is the best life. 信佛的人要改善自己的生活 If Buddhists want to 改善自己的生活 improve their lives, 最好從結緣開始 they should start from forming affinities. 那是必定有很大的收穫 They would gain a lot from it. 祝福大家 Blessings to you all.
