by 趙永祥 2023-04-30 08:49:56, 回應(0), 人氣(244)


各位觀眾 Hello TV viewers. 大家平安吉祥 Peace and joy to you all. 今天要和各位講信願行 Today I'm going to talk about faith, vow and practice. 各位你們假如想要到美國去留學 If you want to study abroad in the US, 你要準備學費 you need to save money for your tuition 到美國的費用 and living expenses. 要準備資糧 The money that you've prepared is your provisions. 軍隊要去出征了 When a troop goes on campaign, 要準備糧草豐富 they need to prepare enough army supplies 你才能去到前線 before they can set off to the battlefront, 糧草不足就不能打仗 else it cannot fight. 你說到外面去旅行 When you go on a trip, 對了 我要湊足旅費 you need to scare up some funds for traveling 我要準備我的資助我的生活 so as to help foot your living expenses 資助我的食糧 such as food. 佛教徒要往生西方極樂世界 When a Buddhist wants to be reborn in the Western pureland, 需要有三種資糧 he needs three types of provisions. 什麼三種資糧呢 What are the three types of provisions? 信、願、行 Faith, vow and practice. 你要準備第一 You need to make a good preparation. First, 我的信心具備 I've full faith. 我相信西方極樂淨土 I believe in the Western pureland. 我相信阿彌陀佛 I believe in the Amitabha Buddha 今現在正在說法 who is still speaking the Dharma now. 我相信我能可以 I believe that I can 到西方極樂世界 go to the Western pureland. 你信仰了以後你要願 Besides faith, you also need to make the vow 我願意到西方極樂世界 that you're willing to go to the Western pureland. 有的人要發願 Some people vow 願生西方淨土中 to be reborn in the Western pureland, 九品蓮華為父母 wherein their new parents are the nine-grade lotuses. 我願意要生到西方極樂世界 Are you really willing to be reborn in the Western pureland, 是真的嗎 to be honest? 我們到那個佛堂裡面 In a Buddhist shrine, 假如有一些人士 a devotee is chanting: 正在唱願生西方淨土中 "I'm willing to be reborn in the Western pureland." 這個時候忽然阿彌陀佛出現了 Suppose at this time Amitabha should suddenly appear, proposing to her: 很好 你願意生西方淨土中 Good! Glad to hear that you wish to be reborn in the pureland. 我現在帶你去 I'm going to take you there now. 他肯嗎 Does she still want to go with Him? 可能他就 阿彌陀佛 不行 Probably she will say: Amitabha Buddha, I can't. 我的家裡很多事情還沒辦好 I still have many things to straighten out at home. 我的小孩子還沒有長大 My children haven't yet grown up. 我的女兒還沒有出嫁 My daughter hasn't yet got married. 我的丈夫還很需要我 My husband still needs me. 他不肯往生了 She is not willing to be reborn in the pureland. 你不是願生西方淨土嗎 But didn't she previously vow to be reborn in the pureland? 放不下呀 It's not easy to drop everything. 他願力不堅固 Her motivational vow is not strong enough. 他對這個發的願都不懂 She has no inkling about the vows that she's made. 他只是口頭這麼念這麼唱 She is just repeating the sutra. 你像佛教裡面有四弘誓願 In Buddhism there are the Four Universal Vows: 眾生無邊誓願度 Countless are living beings, I vow to liberate them all. 煩惱無盡誓願斷 Inexhaustable are defilements, I vow to excise them all. 法門無量誓願學 Limitless are Dharma teachings, I vow to master them all. 佛道無上誓願成 Unrivalled is the Buddha Way, I vow to attain it. 敢唱、敢講 You dare chant and say them, 你敢做嗎 but do you dare put them into practice, 你敢站在人前 or claim so in front of other people: 眾生無邊我願意度 Countless are living beings, I'm willing to liberate them all. 煩惱無盡我願意斷 Inexhaustable are defilements, I'm willing to excise them all. 法門無量我願意修 Limitless are Dharma teachings, I'm willing to master them all. 佛道無上我願意成 Unrivalled is the Buddha Way, I'm willing to attain it. 這個就叫四弘誓願 The Four Universal Vows 是要做 不是說的 are to be carried out, not merely chanted. 信、願、行 What is faith, vow and practice? 一旦你有了信、有了願 After you have faith and vow, 要實現、要修行 you need to practice and cultivate it. 所以修行 We can practice 你們要念佛 by means of name-chanting. 念佛 You chant 若一日、若二日 for one day, two days, 若三日、四日、五日、七日 three days, four days, five days, or seven days straight, 要一心不亂 whole-heartedly without distraction. 你能可以一句阿彌陀佛 You should be able to chant the Amitabha Buddha's name 念得清清楚楚 clearly and lucidly; 聽得清清楚楚 hear clearly what you are chanting; 在心裡面想得清清楚楚 and become mindful of it. 所以信、願、行都具備 If you possess faith, vow and practice, 你必定有了這樣的資糧 you definitely have the required provisions. 我資糧充足 Since you have no lack of provisions, 還怕你不能到達 do you still have to worry about not being able to reach 西方極樂世界嗎 the Western pureland? 祝福大家 Blessings to you all! ========================