Publication Performance (2007-2014)
by 趙永祥 2014-10-16 23:08:35, 回應(0), 人氣(1115)

Publication Performance (2007-2014)




卷期: 102





















自2001年初至今,共發表學術研討會論文64篇,本國期刊論文62篇,國際期刊論文12篇,西文專書三本(Published in LAP國際出版機構,Germany),大學教科書計出版五本;政府委託案一件(2005年行政院青輔會提升大專校院在學生就業競爭力計畫); 產學合作案七件


University textbooks publication

1. <Monetary Theory and Policy> Published in 2004

2. <Principles of Insurance> Published in 2005

3. <Financial Planning Theory and PracticePublished in 2011

4. <International Trade Theory and PracticePublished in 2012

5. <Insurance Practice and Case-study AnalysisPublished in 2013


Three finance-related books published from 2012 to 2014.

1. "MNE investment strategy and risk evaluated in China"  

- The Joint Effects of MNE's Diversification Strategy on Performance and      

  Systematic Risk Evaluated in China Investment (Published on 27-April-2012)

2. "What Government Bonds and Investors Matter in Global Financial Crisis? -Evidence and Strategic Thinking" (Published on 23-August-2012)

3. "Global Value Chains and Regional Economic Integration Development"
   (Published on 05-September-2013)

Introduction about these three books

The first book entitled 
"MNE investment strategy and risk evaluated in China"

本專書由德國LAP出版機構在27-April-2012, 全球89個國家,6,500多家出版商通路出版, 
ISBN : 978-3-659-10694-1;Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing



LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-04-24 )

Amount : Price 79.00 €

MNE Investment Strategy and Risk Evaluated in China

-The Joint Effects of MNE's Diversification Strategy on Performance and Systematic Risk Evaluated in China Investment

Vdm_badgeeligible for voucher


Book language:

In our findings, we link resource dependence theory to our findings to explain why China investment(CI) plays an important role in foreign diversification, especially in China. When TMNEs extend diversification activities, they can seek opportunities and new market through geographical diversification and can absorb new information and install different knowledge and energy into internal organization to obtain better performance level.We provide some sincere suggestions to decision-makers and CEOs of MNEs or those TMNEs consider entering into the China market. 
TMNEs should consider carefully not over-invested in China. TMNEs should focus on their cored investment fields with moderately middle-level diversification.According to our findings,CI strategy is possibly a better way to gain scope advantages.The most important consideration for MNE decision makers is be careful in the context of change especially china government political policy which is highly changeable from governmental macro-economic adjustment policy. Furthermore,the inflow and outflow of finance not so flexible to operate will also limit the cash flow allocation efficiency to create better financial performance.
Publishing house:
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
By (author) :
Yuang Shiang Chao
Number of pages:
Published on:
79.00 €
PerformanceMultinational Enterprises (MNEs), Systematic riskDiversification StrategyJoint EffectsChina-involved investment strategyFDI policyEconomic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)


The second book entitled

"What Government Bonds and Investors Matter in Global Financial Crisis? Evidence and Strategic Thinking"

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Website: https://www.lap-publishing.com/


What Government Bonds and Investors Matter in Global Financial Crisis?

-Evidence and Strategic Thinking

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-08-22 )

Amount : Price 49.00 €
eligible for voucher
Book language:

EAN: 9783659224195


This paper introduces a new finding on the composition of the investor base for government securities in the G20 advanced economies and the euro area.During the last decades, investors from abroad have increased their presence in government bond markets, whereas, the European debt(financial)crisis broke this trend.Furthermore,This paper attempts to address three of the myriad of questions that have arisen from the newly gained attention to the investor base.
1.Which investor groups hold what exposure to government securities? 
2.Is there a link between the investor base and bond pricing?
3.What changes will the current European financial crisis catalyze in thinking about economic development? 
On the mix of market and state in the economy,it reaffirms the value of not relying blindly on the strengths of either.The crisis showed again that both markets and EU governments/ECB can fail spectacularly,and that while markets must ultimately be the drivers of growth,good government is needed to create the conditions for markets to work well and to reduce volatility and vulnerability.Additionally the global crisis leads to provide new strategic thinking in practical policy especially in EU.

Publishing house:
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
By (author) :
Yuang Shiang Chao
Number of pages:
Published on:
International economy
49.00 €
Financial liberalizationInvestors, Global financial crisisGovernment BondsEuropean Debt


本專書由德國LAP出版機構在 23-August-2012 ,全球89個國家,6,500多家出版商通路出版 (ISBN 978-3-659-22419-5)


The third book entitled 
"Global Value Chains and Regional Economic Integration Development"

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

本專書由德國LAP出版機構在 5-September-2013, 全球89個國家,6,500多家出版商通路商出版 (ISBN:978-3-659-45961-0)


Global Value Chains and Regional Economic Integration Development

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2013-09-05 )

Amount : Price 32.90 €
eligible for voucher
Book language: English

This paper summarizes some crucial results as presented in aid for trade–An investment benefit road map from Asian countries. We focus on topics relating to regional cooperation and integration in the areas of infrastructure and software, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods. In our findings, we link resource dependence theory and economic integration model to our findings to explain why China plays an important role in Asian countries, especially in south-eastern Asia. In addition, regional economic integration through logistics, information network and connectivity improvement can increase the virtual size and amount of an economy as trade with neighboring countries increases. This leads to substantial benefits from scale, network, coordination and agglomeration economies. 

According to our findings, GVCDs and regional integration has captured the imagination of South Asians but the debates on identifying appropriate and effective strategies for securing this objective continue on the better condition in developing beneficial integration economic effects and we find that China takes the best scores in Asian countries.
Publishing house:
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
By (author) :
Yuang Shiang Chao
Number of pages:
Published on:
International economy
32.90 €
Global value chainsRegional CooperationRegional economic integration developmentMapping methodology


Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Website: https://www.lap-publishing.com/

Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang, 
Position:Assistant Professor, Dep. of Finance and Institute of financial management, College of Management, Nan Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C. 

Education Degree : 
PH.D in Management, National Yunlin University of  Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC. 

I'm a college teacher who teaches in Dep. of finance for more than 16 years in university. I enjoy myself in doing research and teaching in my academic life. I have taught for over thirteen years in Yu Da University since 1999. Most of my students work in financial institutions,insurance compaies and stock markets. In the meanwhile, I also acted as a financial/strategic consultant in several medium-sized enterprises since March, 2006. I expect that there are two main academic directions to do subsequent research in the future. First of all, hoping to revisit and reevaluate the applicability of existing research to connect theories in light of the changing conditions of global business that might have invalidated their boundary conditions and assumptions. Secondly, I hope to generate novel theoretical ideas and empirical integrated model that better reflect the dynamics of a post-crisis world and provide relevant and timely knowledge to global managers and companies as well as to policy makers, governments, and all other participants in the global economy. 

During these sixteen years, main research field is mainly focused in the following six main fields, 

1. International Diversification and FDI Investment Policy;
2. MNE FDI Strategy and Global Strategy;
3. Evaluating MNE Investment Strategy and Performance in Emerging Economy;
4. International Finance and Investment Policy;
5. FDI Investment Risk Management;
6. Marketing Strategy. 

Up to now, there're more than eighty academic articles published in international journals and local journals. There're fourteen professional books including finance-related and international business-related books have been published since May,2002. Three professional investment-oriented books are entitled as follows.

The first book entitled "MNE Investment Strategy and Risk Evaluated in China" has been published on April, 2012(ISBN:978-3-659-10694-1).

Headlights in this book

The crucial findings In this book, we link resource dependence theory to our findings to explain why China investment(CI) plays an important role in foreign diversification, especially in China. When TMNEs extend diversification activities, they can seek opportunities and new market through geographical diversification and can absorb new information and install different knowledge and energy into internal organization to obtain better performance level.We provide some sincere suggestions to decision makers and CEOs  of  MNEs or those TMNEs consider entering into the China market.

TMNEs should consider carefully not over-invested in China.MNE should focus on their cored investment fields with moderately middle-level diversification.According to our findings,CI strategy is possibly a better way to gain scope advantages. The most important consideration for MNE decision makers is be careful in the context of change especially china government political policy which is highly changeable from governmental macro-conomic adjustment policy. Furthermore,the inflow and outflow of finance not so flexible to operate will also limit the cash flow allocation efficiency to create better financial performance.

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing




By author :Yuang Shiang Chao
Number of pages: 180
Published on: 2012-04-24
Stock: In stock
Category: Management
Price: 76.00 €

The second book entitled "What Government Bonds and Investors Matter in Global Financial Crisis? Evidence and Strategic Thinking"(ISBN:978-3-659-22419-5) has been published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG(in Germany) on 23-August-2012); 

Headlights in this book (本書簡介)

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012-08-23)
Price 49.00 €
Amount: Add to cart

EAN: 9783659224195
Book language: English

Blurb/Short text: 

This paper introduces a new finding on the composition of the investor base for government securities in the G20 advanced economies and the euro area.During the last decades, investors from abroad have increased their presence in government bond markets, whereas, the European debt(financial) crisis broke this trend.Furthermore,This paper attempts to address three of the myriad of questions that
have arisen from the newly gained attention to the investor base.

1.Which investor groups hold what exposure to government securities?

2.Is there a link between the investor base and bond pricing?

3.What changes will the current European financial crisis catalyze in thinking about economic development?

On the mix of market and state in the economy,it reaffirms the value of not relying blindly on the strengths of either.The crisis showed again that both markets and EU governments/ECB can fail spectacularly,and that while markets must ultimately be the drivers of growth,good government is needed to create the conditions for markets to work well and to reduce volatility and vulnerability.Additionally the global crisis leads to provide new strategic thinking in practical policy especially in EU.

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

By (author) :Yuang Shiang Chao

Number of pages: 86
Published on: 2012-08-23
Stock: In stock
Category: International economy
Price: 49.00 €
Keywords: financial liberalization, Investors, global financial crisis, Government Bonds, European Debt




The third book entitled "Global Value Chains and Regional Economic Integration Development" 
has been published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG(in Germany) on 5-September-2013); 
by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Published date: 2013-09-05)
Headlights in this book

Book language:English
Blurb/Short text: 
This paper summarizes some crucial results as

We focus on topics relating to regional cooperation and integration in the areas of infrastructure and software, trade and investment, money and finance, and regional public goods. In our findings, we link resource dependence theory and economic integration model to our findings to explain why China plays an important role in Asian countries, especially in south-eastern Asia.  In addition,regional economic integration through logistics,information network and connectivity improvement can increase the virtual size and amount of an economy as trade with neighboring countries increases. This leads to substantial benefits from scale, network, coordination and agglomeration economies. According to our findings, GVCDs and regional integration has captured the imagination of South Asians but the debates on identifying appropriate and effective strategies for securing this objective continue on the better condition in developing beneficial integration economic effects, in addition, we find that China takes the best scores in economic cooperation-and-integration dvelopment in Asian countries.

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Website: https://www.lap-publishing.com/

By (author) : Yuang Shiang Chao

Number of pages: 92

Published on: 2013-09-05


Category: International economy

Price:32.90 €
Keywords: Global value chainsRegional CooperationRegional economic integration development,Mapping methodology

The third book entitled "Global Value Chains and Regional Economic Integration Development " has been published on 5-September, 2013.

Cover preview website: 



Website linkage 


LAP is one of the leading publishing houses of academic research in the world. (http://www.lap-publishing.com/

Up to now, there're totally thirteen textbooks published including six professional financial publications.five local textbooks and three foreign textbooks concerning with international-finance-related had been published since 2002. I expect to write more good quality papers published in SSCI/SCI high impact factor journals in the coming future. I still make the best of time to move forward and contribute my research to academic community in academic field. 

Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang
E-mail: ed5097@gmail.com