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by 趙永祥 2019-02-17 23:34:39, 回應(0), 人氣(1081)

2020-2021 台灣地區金融業

by 趙永祥 2019-02-09 23:11:46, 回應(0), 人氣(1370)

How Inflation Affects Your Savings

You must take a little risk to avoid losing a lot of money over time

The national average cost of a movie ticket in 2005 was $6.41. By 2018, it was $9.14. That's the work of inflation. The price of a movie ticket, a house, or a semester in college tends to rise over time, sometimes quickly and at other times slowly. That fact has great relevance to your personal savings plan.

How Inflation Shrinks Savings

Let’s say you have $100 in a savings account that pays a 1% interest rate. After a year, you will have $101 in your account. But if the rate of inflation is running at 2%, you would need $102 to have the same buying power that you started with.

You've gained a dollar but lost buying power. Any time your savings don’t grow at the same rate as inflation you will effectively lose money.

If you are a retiree living on your savings, you can’t keep up the same standard of living if inflation cuts into your purchasing power with every passing year. This is especially true in the U.S. where medical costs tend to rise at a greater rate than many other costs.

Inflation can hurt well before retirement. If you are steadily saving money with a goal in mind, such as a college fund for your children or a down payment on a home, the purchasing power of your money may decline while you're saving it. 

What’s Behind Inflation?

Inflation occurs as demand for goods and services grows. As the total money supply in an economy rises, there is likely to be more demand for goods and services from consumers. As more people buy more goods, sellers hike their prices.

Inflation is caused by other factors, many of them temporary and limited in their scope. A winter frost can damage the orange crop, causing a shortage of oranges and an increase in their cost that season. An automaker may be forced to pay more for parts and will pass that increase along to the consumer.

Measuring inflation

How do you measure the effect of inflation on your savings? The government measures it for you and publishes the results regularly. The Consumer Price Index(CPI) tracks the prices of a variety of consumer goods and services, including transportation, medical care, and housing. The index is published monthly.

Inflation in the U.S.

Believe it or not, inflation can be too low. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisisand the great recession, the central banks in the U.S., Japan, and Europe were worried that inflation could go below zero, meaning deflation, or falling prices. In fact, the U.S. did experience deflation in housing prices lasting several years in many markets.

During the worst of the crisis, the Federal Reserve targeted a 2% annual growth in inflation to return the economy to health. The bank initiated various stimulus measures that were intended to boost the economy and encourage job creation, therefore putting more money in consumers' hands.

Back in the late 1970s, the Fed was fighting double-digit rates of inflation and had to deploy monetary tightening measures to combat possible runaway inflation.

Economists will probably never stop debating whether the Fed's measures, in the 1970s or the 2000s, were the right ones.

How to Safeguard Your Income

If you are a retiree who gets a Social Security payment, you may see an increase in your monthly check from one year to the next, as the government adjusts the payments based on the cost of living as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

However, that increase requires approval by Congress. An increase of 2.8% was approved for 2019, and an increase of 2% for 2018. But the increase was .3% for 2017, and zero for 2016. Those numbers were based on the Consumer Price Index, but advocates for retirees argued that price categories which most affect the elderly, such as health costs, rose more rapidly than the overall index.

How to Safeguard Your Savings

The primary way to beat the effect of inflation is to invest your savings for a better return than you can get in money market accounts or savings accounts. Investing in virtually anything else inevitably involves greater risk than an FDIC-insured account. But you can choose investments that have a level of risk you can tolerate.

For example, retirees might want to consider Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS. These securities adjust the interest payouts you get based on changes in the CPI, and the principal payment you get back will also be adjusted for inflation. Even if prices go down over your investment period, you will at least get back your original principal.

Returns on stock investments generally tend to beat inflation. Investors who want to avoid the volatility associated with individual stocks might opt for mutual funds, which are professionally managed and aim to provide a good return over time.

A mutual fund that follows a passive indexing approach might be even better since it is not dependent on the stock-picking abilities of any particular fund manager. The stock market overall tends to go up over time. You will also pay less in fees with an indexing approach.

by 趙永祥 2019-01-18 22:08:42, 回應(0), 人氣(2217)

How Much Cash Should I Keep in the Bank?

Everybody has an opinion on how much money you should tuck away in your bank account. The truth is, it depends on your financial situation. What you need to keep in the bank is the money for your regular bills, your discretionary spending and the portion of your savings that constitutes your emergency fund.

Everything starts with your budget. If you don’t budget correctly, you may not have anything to keep in your bank account. Don't have a budget? Now’s the time to build one. Here are some thoughts on how to do it.

The 50/30/20 Rule

First, let’s look at the ever-popular 50/30/20 rule. Instead of trying to follow a complicated, crazy-number-of-lines budget, you can think of your money as sitting in three buckets.

Costs that Don’t Change (Fixed): 50%

It would be nice if you didn’t have monthly bills, but the electricity bill cometh, just like the water, Internet, car, and mortgage (or rent) bills. Assuming you’ve evaluated how these costs fit into your budget and decided they are musts, there’s not much you can do other than pay them.

Fixed costs should eat up around 50% of your monthly budget.

Discretionary Money: 30%

This is the bucket where anything (within reason) goes. It’s your money to use on wants instead of needs.

Interestingly, most planners include food in this bucket because there’s so much choice in how you handle this expense: You could eat at a restaurant or eat at home; you could buy generic or name brand, or you could purchase a cheap can of soup or a bunch of organic ingredients and make your own.

This bucket also includes a movie, buying a new tablet or contributing to charity. You decide. The general rule is 30% of your income, but many financial gurus will argue that 30% is much too high.

Financial Goals: 20%

If you’re not aggressively saving for the future – maybe funding an IRA, a 529 plan if you have kids, and, of course, contributing to a 401(k) or another retirement plan, if possible – you’re setting yourself up for hard times ahead. This is where the final 20% of your monthly income should go.

If you don't have an emergency fund (see below), most of this 20% should go first to creating one.

Another Budget Strategy

Financial guru Dave Ramsey has a different take on how you should carve up your cash. His recommended allocations look something like this (expressed as a percentage of your take-home pay):

  • Charitable Giving: 10%-15%
  • Food: 5%-15%
  • Savings: 10%-15%
  • Clothing: 2%-7%
  • Housing: 25%-35%
  • Transportation: 10%-15%
  • Utilities: 5%-10%
  • Medical/Health: 5%-10% 

About That Emergency Fund

Beyond your monthly living expenses and discretionary money, the major portion of the cash reserves in your bank account should consist of your emergency fund. The money for that fund should come from the portion of your budget devoted to savings – whether it's from the 20% of 50/30/20 or from Ramsey's 10% to 15%.

How much do you need? Everybody has a different opinion. Most financial experts end up suggesting you need a cash stash equal to six months of expenses: If you need $5,000 to survive every month, save $30,000.

Personal finance guru Suze Orman advises an eight-month emergency fund because that’s about how long it takes the average person to find a job. Other experts say three months, while some say none at all if you have little debt, already have a lot of money saved in liquid investments, and have quality insurance. 

Should that fund really be in the bank? Some of those same experts will advise you to keep your five-figure emergency fund in an investment account with relatively safe allocations to earn more than the paltry interest you will receive in a savings account.

The main issue is that the money is instantly accessible if you need it. (On the other side, remember that money in a bank account is FDIC insured.) For more advice, read more about building an emergency fund.

If you don’t have an emergency fund, you should probably create one before putting your financial goals/savings money toward retirement or other goals. Aim for building the fund to three months of expenses, then splitting your savings between a savings account and investments until you have six to eight months worth tucked away.

After that, your savings should go into retirement and other goals – invested in something that earns more than a bank account.

by 趙永祥 2018-12-10 21:07:20, 回應(0), 人氣(847)

奕晥: 寒山僧蹤 楓橋夜泊

月落烏啼霜滿天, 江楓漁火對愁眠, 姑蘇城外寒山寺, 夜半鐘聲到客船。 南無清涼山金色界大智文殊師利菩薩。 南無峨嵋山銀色界大行普賢願王菩薩。 南無普陀山琉璃界大悲觀世音菩薩。 南無九華山幽冥界大願地藏王菩薩。


by 趙永祥 2018-11-17 08:09:42, 回應(0), 人氣(923)












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by 趙永祥 2018-11-16 23:20:17, 回應(0), 人氣(1488)














by 趙永祥 2018-11-04 21:45:27, 回應(2), 人氣(4360)


「凡所有相,皆是虛妄」,這等於心經中的五蘊皆空,諸法 空相,但是他並沒譯成「凡所有相皆空」。因為我們日常生活中的空的觀念是一種斷滅相,是一種虛妄觀念。



by 趙永祥 2018-11-04 21:07:35, 回應(0), 人氣(2069)

佛之三身: 法身佛、報身佛與應身佛(或應化身佛)

佛陀在說「須菩提,菩薩但應如所教住」 後,接著即問須菩提「於意云何?可以身相見如來不?」佛陀為什麼會問這個問題?

要解答這個問題,我得先說明一下,在大乘佛法中有法身佛、 報身佛、應身佛(或應化身佛),所謂佛的三身的說法。


是佛的本體或本性,是無始無終,不生不滅, 遍一切處,沒有形相,也就是沒有身相,在金剛經中稱為如來。




by 趙永祥 2018-11-03 05:20:02, 回應(0), 人氣(913)


- 以房養老受歡迎? 老年理財如何規劃?

by 趙永祥 2018-10-11 08:36:32, 回應(0), 人氣(831)


全球出現 經濟成長強弱、貨幣政策鬆緊及金融市場榮枯三大「背離」現象


一 經濟成長背離



二 經濟成長背離,自然造成貨幣政策背離




三 金融市場榮枯明顯「背離」



比較可能的情況,則是走向不利的發展,即美國經濟成長下降而使差距縮小。發生這種情況的可能性相當高,因為美國是在經濟穩定成長的階段又採取擴張性財政政策,加上關稅提高之前企業搶建庫存,經濟處於「高血糖(sugar high)」的興奮狀態,但這股靠「打雞血」產生的過熱效應將隨著時間而消退,全球經濟也將雪上加霜,貿易緊張益發升高,多國政局更趨民粹化,於是IMF調降全球成長預估也將成為常態。


Written by Dr. Chao Yuang Shiang (趙永祥 博士)

 Faculty, Dep. of Finance, Nan Hua university

 (南華大學財務金融學系暨財務管理研究所 專任助理教授)

 11- October- 2018 

by 趙永祥 2018-10-03 18:18:22, 回應(0), 人氣(1067)



by 趙永祥 2018-09-26 18:14:10, 回應(0), 人氣(1267)








Kind regards,


王建棟   Jason Wang  CPA/CIA
Cel :+86 188 7629 7466(China)
by 趙永祥 2018-09-21 07:41:56, 回應(1), 人氣(1475)








by 趙永祥 2018-09-16 22:11:51, 回應(1), 人氣(1774)

What is an 'Investment Strategy'?

An investment strategy guides an investor's actions with respect to asset allocation
Strategies vary, but they are based on individual goals, risk tolerance and future needs for 

BREAKING DOWN 'Investment Strategy'

Some investment strategies seek rapid growth where an investor focuses on capital appreciation, or they can follow a low-risk strategy where the focus is on wealth protection. 

Many investors buy low-cost, diversified index funds, use dollar-cost averaging and reinvest dividends. Dollar-cost averaging is an investment strategy where a fixed dollar amount of stocks or a particular investment are acquired on a regular schedule regardless of the cost or share price. 

The investor purchases more shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high. 

Over time, some investments will do better than others, and the return averages out over time.

Some experience investors select individual stocks and build a portfolio based on individual firm analysis with predictions on share price movements.

Graham's Five Strategies

In 1949, Benjamin Graham identified five strategies for common stock investing in 

"The Intelligent Investor."

  1. General trading. The investor predicts and participates in the moves of the market similar to dollar-cost averaging.

  2. Selective trading. The investor picks stocks that they expect will do well in the market over the short term; a year, for example.

  3. Buying cheap and selling dear. The investor enters the market when prices low and sells stock when the prices are high.

  4. Long-pull selection. The investor selects stocks that they expect with grow quicker than other sticks over a period of years. 

  5. Bargain purchases. The investor selects stocks that are priced below their true value as measured by some techniques.

Graham emphasized that every investor must decide how they want to manage their portfolio. Experienced investors may prefer and be comfortable with a buy low and sell high strategy, 

whereas investors who have less time to research and follow the market might benefit more 

from investing in funds that track the market and adopt a long-term view.

There is no right way to manage a portfolio, but investors should behave rationally by using facts and data to back up decisions by attempting to reduce risk and maintain sufficient liquidity.  

The Role of Risk-taking in Investment Strategy

Risk is a huge component of an investment strategy. Some individuals have a high tolerance 

for risk while other investors are risk-averse. One overarching rule, however, is that investors 

should only risk what they can afford to lose. Another rule of thumb is the higher the risk, the 

higher the potential return, and some investments are riskier than others. 

There are investments that guarantee an investor will not lose money, but there will also be 

minimal opportunity to earn a return.

For example, U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and bank certificates of deposit (CDs) are considered 

safe because they are backed by the credit of the United States. However, these investments 

provide a low return on investment. Once the cost of inflation and taxes have been included in 

the return on income equation, there may be little growth in the investment.

by 趙永祥 2018-08-19 17:12:24, 回應(0), 人氣(924)
















by 趙永祥 2018-08-14 12:37:41, 回應(0), 人氣(967)

1. STP 法則

2. Marketing 4Ps

3. SMART 法則
by 趙永祥 2018-08-02 07:57:02, 回應(1), 人氣(1287)








影片3: 股票漲跌與價量關係︱《8分鐘理財學堂 》


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