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by 趙永祥 2015-09-27 07:08:03, 回應(0), 人氣(2826)










Jan Nattier教授比較了本經梵文本與漢文本,根據兩者差異,主張本經原為漢文,再轉譯為梵文,而印度在8世紀前沒有人提到過心經。[7][8][9]比爾·波特則推測問題來自現存梵文本的文字錯亂,漢文本是從現已佚失的梵文本翻譯而來,但此推測目前缺乏證據。[10]












  1. ^ 其中“般若”讀作bōrě,音“波惹”
  2. ^ 《大智度論》卷56:「因語言經卷,能得此般若波羅蜜,是故名字經卷名般若波羅蜜。」
  3. ^ 慧琳《一切經音義》:「心陀羅尼,梵語,陀羅尼,此云總持,即心持法也。」
  4. ^ 僧祐出三藏記集》卷4:「《摩訶般若波羅蜜咒》一卷,《般若波羅蜜神咒》一卷(異本)。」隋費長房《歷代三寶記》卷4:「《摩訶般若波羅蜜咒經》一卷(或無經字)」
  5. ^ 釋印順.  般若波羅蜜多心經講記 懸論《般若經講記》.
  6. ^ 見釋東初著,《東初全集·般若心經思想史》
  7. ^ The Heart Sūtra: A Chinese Apocryphal Text?Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. 1992年, 15 (2): 153–223.
  8. ^ 棚橋一晃. The Heart Sutra: A Comprehensive Guide to the Classic of Mahayana Buddhism Shambhala Publications. 2015-03-10: 101–108頁. ISBN 978-0-8348-2968-8.
  9. ^ Heart Sutra. Robert E. Buswell (编). Encyclopedia of Buddhism. MacMillan Reference Books. 2003年: 314頁. ISBN 0-02-865718-7.
  10. ^ Red Pine.  The Heart Sutra: The Womb of the BuddhasCounterpoint. 2005-08-10: 23–24頁. ISBN 978-1-58243-992-1.
  11. ^ 大般若經》有多處經文與《心經》相近或相同,如卷四相應品第三之一,又卷四百零三觀照品第三之二亦有同樣經文。


by 趙永祥 2015-09-25 08:28:33, 回應(2), 人氣(2821)

What's preventable risks and how to effectively manage?

What's preventable risks and how to effectively manage?

According to my past experiences,the first step in creating an effective risk-management system is to understand the qualitative distinctions among the types of risks that organizations face. Our field research shows that risks fall into one of three categories. Risk events from any category can be fatal to a company’s strategy and even to its survival.

Type I: Preventable risks.

These are what I call "internal risks" which is arising from within the organization, that are controllable and ought to be eliminated or avoided. Examples are the risks from employees’ and managers’ unauthorized, illegal, unethical, incorrect, or inappropriate actions and the risks from breakdowns in routine operational processes. 

To be sure, companies should have a zone of tolerance for defects or errors that would not cause severe damage to the enterprise and for which achieving complete avoidance would be too costly. But in general, companies should seek to eliminate these risks since they get no strategic benefits from taking them on. A rogue trader or an employee bribing a local official may produce some short-term profits for the firm, but over time such actions will diminish the company’s value.
This risk type is best managed through active prevention: monitoring operational processes and guiding people’s behaviors and decisions toward desired norms. Since considerable literature already exists on the rules-based compliance approach, we refer interested readers to the sidebar “Identifying and Managing Preventable Risks” had been popular discussed and apparently best practiced in most industry.

Dr. Chao

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John GrubbsAsad Iqbal ShahGillian Poon+13 like this
  • John Grubbs

    It's interesting to think that there is this "preventable risk". In my experience, I've found risk to be only manageable as there is risk in everything we do, especially when it come to human nature

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear John Grubbs, 
    This risk type is what I call "internal risks" which is arising from within the organization, that are controllable and ought to be eliminated or avoided. In addition, best managed through active prevention: monitoring operational processes and guiding people’s behaviors and decisions toward desired norms.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Dr. Chao

    7 months ago
  • Mark Powell


    I think the terminology you have chosen for native English speakers is a bit unfortunate.

    I understand what you are saying, but the term "preventable" does not connote to native English speakers the definition you have assigned to it.

    Mark Powell

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear Mark Powell, 
    Thanks for your response. 
    This terminology perhaps not suitable to native English speakers, it's another definition concerning about the "internal risks" which is arised from within the organization, that are controllable and ought to be eliminated or avoided. Examples are the risks from employees’ and managers’ unauthorized, illegal, unethical, incorrect, or inappropriate actions and the risks from breakdowns in routine operational processes. 
    Perhaps, you can give me better suggestions concerning about this terminology.

    Best regards.

    Dr. Chao

    7 months ago
  • Mark Powell


    To me, your term "internal risks" seems to capture what you have described so far quite well.

    All of your examples are what I would naturally think of as a company's internal risks.

    Mark Powell

    7 months ago
  • Sherif Dawood , MBCI, MBA, ITILv3, M.Sc.

    Second Mark's opinion 
    We can have preventive controls as part of the control structure for managing certain risk, but we can never guarantee the prevention of the risk. If there is a risk, there will be always a residual risk till the risk becomes irrelevant

    7 months ago
  • William Thorlay

    Dr. Chao, 
    I think your definition on "internal risks" is well understood. On the other hand, I have to agree with Mr. Grubbs when he says that risk is something inherent to everything we do. As far as human behaviour is concern, human reliability is becoming more and more applied within the organizations worldwide.

    7 months ago
  • Tracy Dcruz

    We could provide payment gateway for many high risk industries like Gaming, Casino, Forex Pharmacy, Nutra, Binary, Replica, Pet shops, Tour and travel operators, Gaming, Gambling, Lotto and lottery, Headshops, Medical marijuana and many more. 
    We hope to be able to get you an account, with surety and this will be much more reliable which will have you being paid within shorter period for your transactions on credit card. 
    Tracy Dcruz Skype id: connect2vspay email id: sales@vspayglobal.com

    7 months ago
  • Stephen McManus

    When discussing risks, whether internal or external, the use of "preventable" would equate to avoid the risk....this means the risk probability and/or the impact must go to zero.

    In practice, it is often almost impossible to prevent risks from occurring or having an impact if they do occur without having a significant trade-off on one of the other constraints or objectives a project is trying to meet. So in practice there should be two questions regarding a significant risk and the desire to "prevent" the risk.

    * - Is it more important to do the project or not experience the risk?

    * -If a prevent or avoid response is put in place, is the cost or benefit worth the trade-off of project objectives not being fully met.

    Finally, in practice we most often have to determine how much is the project willing to invest in reducing a risk or increasing an opportunity and still leave on the table residual risk....what is the risk appetite of the key stakeholders.

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear Stephen McManus,

    What you have indicated that "in practice we most often have to determine how much is the project willing to invest in reducing a risk or increasing an opportunity and still leave on the table residual risk", I agree with your viewpoints. 
    The decision-makers has the responsibility to analyze the keypoints whether the cost or benefit is worth the trade-off of project objectives not being fully met.

    According to my past experiences,the first step in creating an effective risk-management system is to understand the qualitative distinctions among the types of risks that organizations face.

    Finally, you have to determine how much is the project willing to invest in reducing a risk or increasing an opportunity and still leave on the table residual risk.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Dr. Chao 

    7 months ago
  • Michael Allocco, PE, CSP

    The understanding of a (system) accident life cycle: 
    • Implement safety axioms to assure that risks are identified, eliminated or controlled to acceptable levels; 
    • Apply proactive, predictive, and reactive methods to understand hazards and associated risks; 
    • Consider how an adverse propagation can start? A poor decision associated with the system (integrated human, machine and environment); 
    • The decision results in a latent, dormant, hidden (hazards) situation; 
    • The hidden situation is triggered by a condition or situation (other hazards); 
    • Adverse sequences can be complex to simple; 
    • The elements of the system support the adverse progression(s): conditions and/or actions; 
    • The adverse process may progress unless detected, or progression continues and harm may result; 
    • If causality or contingency action is unsuccessful additional harm can result; 
    • Eventually the system needs to be brought back to a stable state.

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear Michael Allocco, 
    The statements you have pointed out makes sense, and thanks for your reply with sincerity.

    Dr. Chao

    7 months ago
  • Pierre Lommerse

    Dear Edward,

    I tend to say risk is the only certainty in your life the difference is how you cope with it, other thought is doing business is consciously taking risk. 
    When we discuss the risk factor we have to keep in mind it is not risk management but overall management, think of the loop identify, assess, accept/not accept, control. So when we discuss the “internal risks” we have to be aware of them. My experience is that one of the biggest risks is, motivation, being proud to be part of the organization etc.

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear Pierre Lommerse, 
    I'm very appreciated with your reply. According to my past experiences,the first step in creating an effective risk-management system is to understand the qualitative distinctions among the types of risks that organizations face. Finally, you have to determine how much is the project willing to invest in reducing a risk, how to avoid and manage is an important issue to take into consideration. Thanks for your comments again.

    Dr. Chao

    7 months ago
  • John Mallino

    Preventable risks are risks that can be engineered out of the design. With that said, if asked which specific risks are preventable. I would say OSHA top ten most cited violations. No excuse for these risks to be active at your job site. 

    7 months ago
  • David Brady

    John M got it right. The only way to make a risk preventable is to eliminate it altogether, either removing it by re-engineering or or changing the process if possible, e.g. if the risk is flying then drive or take the train. Although remember that eliminating a risk may introduce a secondary risk.

    7 months ago
  • John O'Sullivan MIEAust CPEng

    Glad to see your comments have brought up numerous valid replies. In my experience these 'internal risks', while being largely preventable or able to be mitigated (or at least should be so) can also be very insidious because many of them can arise from the company 'culture'. But when a company's 'culture' is flawed identifying and mitigating those risks can be a daunting task because people may not even realise the risk exists, let alone where it stems from - 'it's how we do business'. In these companies (read 'large organisations') those people in positions of authority have generally reached those positions because they understand how to 'work the system' and that knowledge and understanding becomes their power base. When you start to identify and address those internal risks be prepared for some potentially serious pushbacks because someone's power base is suddenly being threatened. 
    Interested to see if anyone else shares these views. 

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear John O'Sullivan, 
    First, I'm very appreciated with your reply.

    Secondly, according to your past experiences which said in your comments,'internal risks', while being largely preventable or able to be mitigated (or at least should be so) can also be very insidious because many of them can arise from the company 'culture'. But when a company's 'culture' is flawed identifying and mitigating those risks can be a daunting task because people may not even realise the risk exists. 
    In fact, the culture seems to play an important factor in 'internal risks', which can also be very insidious because many of them can arise from the company 'culture'.

    Thirdly, when we discuss the risk factor we have to keep in mind it is not risk management but overall management, think of the loop identify, assess, accept/not accept, control. So when we discuss the “internal risks” we have to be aware of them.Finally, you have to determine how much is the project willing to invest in reducing a risk, how to avoid and manage is an important issue to take into consideration.

    Finally, I'm very appreciated with your professional comments.


    7 months ago
  • John O'Sullivan MIEAust CPEng

    Thanks Edward,

    From a Quality point of view the causes of these types of risks (ie variations in output) would usually be termed 'common causes'. Any unexpected, uncontrolled or unauthorised variation in output results in risk. The only way to fix them is by fundamentally changing the 'system' or, in some situations, the system's implementation. Common causes arise when 'everyone is doing it'.


    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear John O'Sullivan, 
    I'm very appreciated with your comments. 
    I agree with your viewpoints, the better way to fix 'internal risks' is by fundamentally changing the 'system' or, in some situations, the system's implementation. 
    You provide another solution to fix the 'internal risks'.


    7 months ago
  • James Andrae

    I agree with your comments in general, and yes the examples you identified are internal and "preventable" through a variety of actions. (there is no sure fire mitigation for rogue trading). 
    In Australia we have taken the risk management of physical injury to a new level. I worked for a company that went into the Guinness book of records when it achieved a million hours without any injuries. Preventable risks that have direct impact on the bottom line and lives. 
    While nothing is perfect and some solutions do open the door to other risks, it is none the less the most important exercise and question for a risk manager to undertake. This is the heart of the process to determine Board risk appetite declarations, Risk Policies, Corporate structures etc, etc... 
    I prefer to approach an organisation as a blank sheet, identify risks and put them in 3 columns and then spend some time analysing what is the understanding of each risk by the relevant staff. I'm sure you are doing this process since you started at the same point I did . 
    The bottom line is the identification of the universe of risks I have to have, I want to have, and I don't want to have. Then devise a strategy to address these. 
    Of course it is a very involved processes and you need to move at least 3 to 6 iterations to ensure no new risks are accidentally introduced and what residual risks remain and so on. 
    If done right, the rewards are astronomical, and most importantly it sets the culture. Everyone has to get on board and risk management is embedded in the hearts and minds just through the exercise. 
    Qualitative benefits are numerous, least of all, the insights gained. 
    I once worked for a company that wanted to address 1 preventable risk. 
    The cash flow risk. They wanted greater certainty of revenue. In attempting to mitigate this risk, it created new risks, some of which were an even higher order of risk. But once we went through the process and mapped it out down to the most minute issues stressed in 6 different ways, the CEO was so impressed this strategic thinking became the norm for every action undertaken You cannot ask for a better culture. 
    Happy to provide further details in private if you want to contact me.

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Dear James Andrae,

    I'm very appreciated with your professional comments about the topic:"What's preventable risks and how to effectively manage?". According to your viewpoints, the bottom line is the identification of the universe of risks I have to have, I want to have, and I don't want to have. Then devise a strategy to address these. I agree with your viewpoints stated. Your past experiences in two companies which gave me some hints in solving preventable risk. You are an expertise in facing risks, therefore you know how to solve in better way. According to my past experiences,the first step in creating an effective risk-management system is to understand the qualitative distinctions among the types of risks that organizations face.

    To be sure, companies should have a zone of tolerance for defects or errors that would not cause severe damage to the enterprise and for which achieving complete avoidance would be too costly. In addition, companies should seek to eliminate these risks since they get no strategic benefits from taking them on in general. A rogue trader or an employee bribing a local official may produce some short-term profits for the firm, but over time such actions will diminish the company’s value.Finally, you have to determine how much is the project willing to invest in reducing a risk, how to avoid and manage is an important issue to take into consideration.

    Happy to receive your comments and if possible, we can discuss more details on risk managements in private if you don't mind.

    Best regards.


    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    John O'Sullivan MIEAust CPEng

    I believe one principle is worth always remembering when dealing with risk, regardless of the type, source or severity of that risk. and that is: 
    Regardless of what business you THINK you are in, you are in the PEOPLE business. 

    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Dear John, 
    Thanks for your reply. 
    You have mentioned that when dealing with risk, "Regardless of what business you THINK you are in, you are in the PEOPLE business." It is useful for me how to treat the risk happened in the coming future.

    In my experiences running on project managements, I usually think that risk management can include the following activities 
    * how risk will be managed in the particular project. Plans should include risk management tasks, responsibilities, activities and budget.

    * a risk officer – a team member other than a project manager who is responsible for foreseeing potential project problems. Typical characteristic of risk officer is a healthy skepticism.

    * live project risk database. Each risk should have the following attributes: opening date, title, short description, probability and importance. Optionally a risk may have an assigned person responsible for its resolution and a date by which the risk must be resolved.

    * anonymous risk reporting channel. Each team member should have the possibility to report risks that he/she foresees in the project.

    Very thankful for your comments again.

    Best regards.


    7 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    There are two questions regarding a significant risk and the desire to "prevent" the risk. 
    The first question has to be considered is "Is it more important to do the project or not experience the risk?", the second is "if a prevent or avoid response is put in place, is the cost or benefit worth the trade-off of project objectives not being fully met." (Sited from Stephen McManus) I think that it's necessary for us to think about the process how to prevent the coming risk and the best solution.

    As what I suggest in the former comments 'Maintaining live project risk database.' 
    In fact, each risk should have the following attributes: opening date, title, short description, probability and importance. Optionally a risk may have an assigned person responsible for its resolution and a date by which the risk must be resolved.


    6 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Christopher Jeffrey

    Several great comments attached here!!! A really good read... So I will add mine.... An essential point to risk management often understated is the risk appetite or tolerance levels for the company. These levels can dramatically change the overall scope and cost of projects! These levels often fluctuate based on the discipline they are within... IE... Safety to personnel, environment, financial or reputation. That is to say some companies will withstand higher risks in let's say a financial discipline as they would not withstand with regards to safety! A true understanding of risk encompasses all disciplines and the tangent way they ALL intersect...

    1 month ago
  • Edward Chao

    Michael Allocco, PE, CSP

    Getting the big picture is helpful when assessing risk: 
     Considering system (RISKS) accidents people may not know how to connect the dots within complex systems, nor think inclusively, or holistically, nor comprehend dynamics, induction or deduction, nor understand expensive variables, interfaces and interactions. 
     A so-called “safe” system equates to the identification, elimination and control of safety-related (system) risks; throughout the life cycle of the system, and system accident. We should go about the effort of system-level hazard analysis and risk assessment, and validating and verifying the system risk controls. 
     System thinking will not be acquired from a theory, or book, or from formal schooling. System thinking is gained via experience during professional practice. 
     Unfortunately, many have a limited understanding of complexities within integrated systems comprised of hardware, software, firmware, the human and complex environment. One has to understand interfaces and interactions associated with complex systems. We cannot oversimplify thinking about failures, adverse events and functions. Not everything is stochastic (probabilistic). System analysis requires many forms of additional thinking: abstract, holistic, system, quantitative, objective, subjective, temporal (life cycle), and critical. 
     System thinking can be applied to an entity. A ’system” is a source of abstraction. System axioms all equate to context. Experienced system risk analysts may be aware that it is all connected. There is flexibility, abstraction, and pliability in the concept of a system, system of systems, and families of systems. These entities are comprised of humans, machines, and the environment. In an oversimplification one must understand the interactions and interfaces of the defined system under consideration. Your system thinking abilities can be limited based upon the knowledge of applied system axioms. 

    1 month ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Dear Michael Allocco, Thanks for your comments. Getting the big picture is helpful when assessing risk, in addition, how risk will be managed in the particular project. System thinking is gained via experience during professional practice. Simultaneously, as you have said 'system analysis requires many forms of additional thinking: abstract, holistic, system, quantitative, objective, subjective, temporal (life cycle), and critical.' The good plans should include risk management tasks, responsibilities, activities and budget, if not, the plans have to take the uncertainty and potential risk.

    Thanks for your reply.


    6 days ago
  • Edward Chao

    Michael Allocco, PE, CSP

    Edward....your welcome.

    • I understand that there are cook book approaches in risk-related standards; which may or may not be appropriate. Firstly, it all depends on the actual identified system risks throughout the life cycle of the entity under evaluation. As stated, an inclusive system-level hazard/threat analysis provides the risk-driven requirements in order to design RM program requirements. 
    • Any forms of risk of harm: losses, threats, vulnerabilities, loss of key people, loss of assists, valuable papers, trade secrets, data and information, fire losses, fleet losses, facility catastrophes, environmental and weather events, any contingency, causality, etc.; can be evaluated. It all depends on how the analysis and risk assessment criteria are developed. 

    6 days ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Michael, I fully agree with your viewpoints. Any forms of risk of harm: losses, threats, vulnerabilities, loss of key people, etc., could be estimated and evaluated via the analysis and risk assessment criteria which could be developed. Thanks for your comments. 

    6 days ago
  • Edward Chao

    Michael Allocco, PE, CSP

    Your welcome....Mike

  • https://www.linkedin.com/grp/post/2324725-5969003244674916354?trk=groups-post-b-all-cmnts

  • Copy the above, and then put the website in the web.

by 趙永祥 2015-09-20 08:25:31, 回應(1), 人氣(1871)


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by 趙永祥 2015-09-17 23:15:25, 回應(0), 人氣(2863)

International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research (IJBFMR)


International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research (IJBFMR) with Impact Factor: 0.232 and indexed in CABI-ISI, ECONBIZ, ECONIS and Google Scholar is currently accepting manuscripts for publication. 

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by 趙永祥 2015-09-16 09:14:23, 回應(1), 人氣(2264)

104-1 行銷管理教案CH1-CH4

104-1 行銷管理教案 CH1-CH4

英文名稱Marketing Management
A.課程概述主旨: 本課程旨在提供一個瞭解、研究及發展行銷管理的架構。 
1. 面對瞬息萬變、機會與挑戰並存的環境,企業必須隨時掌握市場競爭狀態,才能預防競爭者的威脅。所涉及的課題包括:如何建立客戶價值、如何規劃競爭策略、如何收集與衡量市場情報、如合分析消費市場的購買行為、如何精確切割市場選定目標客戶、如何根據產品生命週期進行市場定位、以及行銷競爭分析、整合行銷、如何進行行銷通路管理和擬定價格策略等等。 
2. 本課程除提供學生基礎的行銷知識及行銷技能,使其能將行銷概念及知識應用到實務上
3. 本課程將訓練學生獨立思考能力;報告撰寫能力;口頭報告能力;和團隊互動能力。 

1. The objects of marketing management are to introduce the application of concepts, tools and procedures employed by practicing marketing managers. Specific attention is given to product development and management, promotion development and management, channel selection and management, physical distribution management, and price setting and management. 
2. Students acquire skills in the essentials of case analysis and written as well as oral presentation of their analysis. 
3. Oral presentations may be made using electronic media. Groups may be required for case work and enhance the ability to analyze which is the best strategy to take. 
學習現代行銷的基本概念與實務,使得將來能運用在產品與服務公司、消費者與企業市場、營利與非營利機構、本國與全球公司,中小型與大型企業。To learn the basic concepts of modern marketing strategy in order to put these professional knowledge in product and service, customer and corporate analysis, etc.,A-A-DA1. 具備財金相關專業知識
學習現代行銷的基本概念與實務,使得將來能運用在產品與服務公司、消費者與企業市場、營利與非營利機構、本國與全球公司,中小型與大型企業。To learn the basic concepts of modern marketing strategy in order to put these professional knowledge in product and service, customer and corporate analysis, etc.,B-A-DA2. 具有多元化思維、國際金融視野及持續學習成長的能力
現代行銷基本概念與個案探討,提出行銷4P之實際成功個案,強化學生在實際應用能力,並藉由個案探討讓學生有提出解決方案之能力。To strengthen the thinking and solving ability.C-A-DA1. 具備理論與實務,提升解決財金問題之能力
讓學生能對實際社會有一份關懷,藉由行銷管理的案例探討結合基本學理,讓學生對於現今社會狀態有較充分之瞭解。To strengthen the ability in caring about the society and industry developed, and lead to stimulate the passion into the society.E-A-DA2. 具有環境永續與奉獻社會的精神。
藉由行銷管理的分組報告,讓同學在進行期末分組報告時,能針對所選擇企業進行行銷4P與STP分析時,在實務應用能力方面能有更深入之瞭解,並能建立溝通協調與團隊合作之能力。To strengthen the ability in understanding the operation and application method in order to match with the marketing developments, in addition, enhancing both communication and cooperation abilities.D-A-DA2. 具有溝通協調及團隊合作的能力
希望藉由本課程能強化學生在時間管理與EQ管理之能力,在進行個案探討時去檢測學生在這兩方面之能力。To straenthen the students' time control and EQ control abilities by way of case study to stimulate their potential ability.F-A-DA2. 具有時間管理與情緒管理的能力
藉由本課程培養同學們具有溝通協調、解決問題及團隊合作的能力To train the students having the ability to solve,communicate with others and team-work to finish the target .D-A-DA2. 具有溝通協調及團隊合作的能力
1. 如何建立客戶價值
2. 如何規劃競爭策略
3. 如何收集與衡量市場情報
4. 如合分析消費市場的購買行為
5. 如何精確切割市場選定目標客戶
6. 如何根據產品生命週期進行市場定位
7. 以及行銷競爭分析
8. 整合行銷 等等
Topics headlines include the following: 
1. how to create customer value 
2. How to Plan Competitive Strategy 
3. How to measure market intelligence gathering and 
4. The combined analysis of the consumer market buying behavior 
5. How accurate cutting selected target market customers 
6. How to conduct market positioning based on product life cycle 
7. and marketing competitive analysis 
8. integrated marketing, etc.

by 趙永祥 2015-09-16 06:13:17, 回應(0), 人氣(2798)

星雲大師- 48《僧事百講》八關齋戒











by 趙永祥 2015-09-15 22:49:21, 回應(0), 人氣(1343)









7.地獄不空 誓不成佛 眾生度盡 方證菩提




by 趙永祥 2015-09-15 17:06:37, 回應(0), 人氣(1674)














by 趙永祥 2015-09-15 07:58:35, 回應(0), 人氣(1594)

Dear all : 吉祥



4分多鐘的美妙鋼琴背景音樂+發人深省的Slight​ 誠摯與諸位鈞長分享




4分多鐘的美妙鋼琴背景音樂+發人深省的Slight​ 誠摯與諸位鈞長分享

Notes : 
請記得打開喇叭,更能enjoy yourself.

by 趙永祥 2015-09-13 19:57:16, 回應(1), 人氣(2120)








by 趙永祥 2015-09-13 16:07:23, 回應(0), 人氣(1292)


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by 趙永祥 2015-09-13 16:04:34, 回應(0), 人氣(1408)



838 個讚1,935 次觀看
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by 趙永祥 2015-09-13 16:03:24, 回應(0), 人氣(1254)




838 個讚1,935 次觀看
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957 個讚3,579 次觀看
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1,402 個讚5,448 次觀看

by 趙永祥 2015-09-13 15:52:38, 回應(2), 人氣(5820)












by 趙永祥 2015-09-06 08:22:59, 回應(0), 人氣(1357)

退一步想 面對壓力


   Date: 2015-09-06









by 趙永祥 2015-09-04 20:21:07, 回應(1), 人氣(2390)

字級:大字體 一般字體 小字體
  • 1991年於法國巴黎古堡 圖/佛光山提供
  • 佛光山大雄寶殿成佛大道 圖/佛光山提供
  • 大師於澳洲南天寺召開「國際佛教僧伽研習會」。1995.10.7 圖/佛光山提供
  • 為了讓佛教法脈永續,人才世代交替,大師將臨濟宗48代法脈傳授給第49代、佛光山第二代的心平和尚。1985年 圖/佛光山提供
  • 大師應妙蓮長老之邀,前往南投靈巖山寺主持「大雄寶殿落成及佛像開光典禮」。1996.1.13 圖/佛光山提供
文/佛光山開山星雲大師 圖/佛光山提供



奉獻社會 享有而不占有




常住需要 義不容辭建言




不執不捨 戮力振興佛教




自他不二 別人事即己事




虛空之中 一切萬象俱全




回報深恩 等視一切眾生





走訪各國 視當地為家鄉





做地球人 將己奉獻眾生





❶ 位於佛光山普門中學舊校地。興建大佛城時,攪拌水泥所用的水,即從此出。當時由大眾一桶桶接力送抵大佛城。

❷ 建大雄寶殿前的成佛大道時,正逢佛光山經濟最困難時,大師率領徒眾,忍著水泥侵蝕之痛,用手將一塊塊石板鋪上,將一條條線刻劃出來。總計有四百六十四塊石板,二萬七千八百四十條線。

❸ 指《覺世》旬刊。初時,為每十天發刊一次的四開型報紙。
by 趙永祥 2015-09-04 08:50:35, 回應(0), 人氣(2710)


丙級;全國技專校院校務基本資料庫證照序號 : 8​282 ]


 檢定費用新台幣1200 (含題庫書,考試,製作證書費用)


聯繫窗口:fega53@gmail.com 謝章升


高雄場 :

20151219() 9:00-10:00



by 趙永祥 2015-08-27 20:58:33, 回應(0), 人氣(1463)



   Date: 2015-08-27













十多年前出國弘法,經常遇到海關人員的刁難,他們把行李一一撬開檢查不說,還東問西問,有一句答得不好,又得到另一處接受調查,往往在海關待上半天還出不來。如是數次之後,我想自己應該主動出擊,避免別人的「拒絕」,因此學了幾句英文,每次一到海關,就先面帶微笑和大家打招呼,「Hello!」「How are you?」「Good evening!」「Thank you!」不絕於口。果然,通關時就順利多了。

「拒絕」不好的後果,必須先用好因好緣來「代替」;「拒絕」積弊已久的問題,則應該以循序漸進的方式來「代替」。多年前,政府取締拜拜,舉國譁然,我為文主張以鮮花素果來「代替」;數年前,政府下令拆除違章建築,引起各地反彈,我建議「先建後拆」來「代替」「拒絕」的方式,俾使整頓市容的政策易於推行。近年來毒品氾濫,我配合政府的緝毒決心,舉辦「淨化人心七誡運動」 ,其中有一項「誡毒品」,我呼籲大眾應以關懷病人的心態來看待吸毒者,協助他們以正當的興趣、服務的精神、忙碌的工作、法喜的生活、信仰的熱忱來「代替」毒品。













佛光山新聞 人間通訊社

by 趙永祥 2015-08-24 23:38:48, 回應(1), 人氣(2668)

The comments of the issue "Risk Transfer" is often used in place of "Risk Sharing" in the mistaken belief

Edward Chao
Options menu
Edward Chao Governmental Counseling consultant, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration,Ministry of Economic Affairs,Taiwan.

"Risk Transfer" is often used in place of "Risk Sharing" in the mistaken belief

The term of 'risk sharing' is briefly defined as "sharing with another party the burden of loss or the benefit of gain, from a risk, and the measures to reduce a risk."

The term of 'risk transfer' is often used in place of risk sharing in the mistaken belief that you can transfer a risk to a third party through insurance or outsourcing. In practice if the insurance company or contractor go bankrupt or end up in court, the original risk is likely to still revert to the first party. As such in the terminology of practitioners and scholars alike, the purchase of an insurance contract is often described as a "transfer of risk." However, technically speaking, the buyer of the contract generally retains legal responsibility for the losses "transferred", meaning that insurance may be described more accurately as a post-event compensatory mechanism. For example, a personal injuries insurance policy does not transfer the risk of a car accident to the insurance company. 

The risk still lies with the policy holder namely the person who has been in the accident. The insurance policy simply provides that if an accident (the event) occurs involving the policy holder then some compensation may be payable to the policy holder that is commensurate to the suffering/damage.

Some ways of managing risk fall into multiple categories. Risk retention pools are technically retaining the risk for the group, but spreading it over the whole group involves transfer among individual members of the group. This is different from traditional insurance, in that no premium is exchanged between members of the group up front, but instead losses are assessed to all members of the group.

Dr. Chao (Faculty teaching in Nan Hua university, Taiwan)

James AndraeEdward ChaoNass Al Rayashi+63 like this
  • James Andrae

    This is spot on. In the 90s & (prior to GFC) companies "transferred" risks by buying or selling credit derivatives, only to discover that this strategy was only as good as the ability of the last holder to pay up on a claim. And so started the mini crash of developing countries especially Asia. The risks were at best transferred but created new ones in their wake. The credit worthiness of the counterparty. The best risk transferred is the one you don't have to begin with. It is all in the contract Ts & Cs. Get that right, accept what you have left and then look to optimise exposures.

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear James 
    I agree with your comments. In fact,the buyer of the contract generally retains legal responsibility for the losses "transferred", meaning that insurance may be described more accurately as a post-event compensatory mechanism. The best risk transferred is the one you don't have to begin with, but you have to take continuous care on it.

    Thanks for your comments.


    5 months ago
  • Guan Seng Khoo, PhD

    That's why I prefer to use the term risk mitigation or response (which may not necessarily mean the risk can be totally eliminated) because in reality you can't really transfer risk (as risk is like energy) - it merely transforms into another form of risk, unless you are no longer the owner (or have the exposure anymore)!

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear Guan Seng Khoo, 
    Perhaps, risk mitigation or response is a better term to explain the meaning of "Risk Transfer", thanks for your comments in this issue.


    5 months ago
  • Guan Seng Khoo, PhD

    Gam sia, Gam sia! I'm Hokkien (by dialect). Keong Hee Huat Chye!

    5 months ago
  • Donald J. Riggin, CPCU, ARM

    Folks, while I like philosophical discussions as much as the next guy, let's temper that with a dose of old fashioned horse sense. Guan Seng Khoo (above) said, "in reality you can't really transfer risk." I respectfully disagree. In reality, risk is transferred all the time. In theory, (as in quantum physics), risk may or may not be transferred. Or, it might be both transferred, and not transferred at the exact same time! (Was this one of Zeno's 4 paradoxes? Probably not.)

    "Risk transfer" is the only reasonable and acceptable description of the insurance transaction. It means moving a risk of financial loss, of whatever quantity or quality, from one balance sheet to another balance sheet. Moreover, the transaction is memorialized in a contract commonly accepted by both parties - the insurance policy.

    Yes, technically the transferred risk still lies with the policyholder, but in law that plays no part whatsoever. When counterparties (insurer and client) are engaged in a legal dispute, the notion that the client technically retains the risk is ignored for good reason. The payment of premiums (consideration) as prescribed by the contract issuer (insurance company) renders this technical argument moot for lack of applicability and materiality.

    Of course the insurance company could go bankrupt; technically, the insurer is a credit risk to its customers, but the likelihood of that occurring is usually extremely low. And even with enormous amounts of counterparty/credit risk, the transaction is still one of risk transfer; the quality (or lack thereof) of the risk-taking party doesn't change that fact. It might be a bad risk transfer, but a risk transfer it remains. Remember, counterparty risk is a matter of credit risk management, that's all. If the risk transfer fails for one reason or another, the risk holder will deal with it.

    The term, risk transfer, has been used in US Tax Court and US Supreme Court cases to describe an important concept. Risk transfer and risk distribution, are the generally accepted circumstances required for an insurance transaction to exist. (Insurance is not defined in US law.)

    Finally, 2 of the above posters said this: "the best risk transferred is the one you don't have to begin with." Huh? If you're right, every business in the world should cease operations, because that's the only way to not have a risk to begin with. I could go on…

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    According to businessdictionary website said that there have two definitions on "Risk Transfer"

    * management strategy in which an insurable risk is shifted to another party (the insurer) by means of an insurance policy.

    * shifting through non-insurance means, such as a warranty. See also transfer of risk rule.


    "Risk Transfer" had been commonly accepted in the underlying tenet behind insurance transactions. The purpose of this action is to take a specific risk, which is detailed in the insurance contract, and pass it from one party who does not wish to have this risk (the insured) to a party who is willing to take on the risk for a fee, or premium (the insurer).

    For example, whenever someone purchases home insurance, he or she is essentially paying an insurance company to take the risk involved with owning a home. In the event that something does happen to the house, such as property damage from a fire or natural disaster, the insurance company will be responsible for dealing with any resulting consequences.

    Risk transfer is a risk management and control strategy that involves the contractual shifting of a pure risk from one party to another. One example is the purchase of an insurance policy, by which a specified risk of loss is passed from the policyholder to the insurer. Other examples include hold-harmless clauses, contractual requirements to provide insurance coverage for another party's benefit and reinsurance. When done effectively, risk transfer allocates risk equitably, placing responsibility for risk on designated parties consistent with their ability to control and insure against that risk. Liability should ideally rest with whichever party has the most control over the sources 
    of potential liability.

    In addition, in today's financial marketplace, insurance instruments have grown more and more intricate and complex, but the transfer of risk is the one requirement that is always met in any insurance contract.

    According your recognition, the term, 'risk transfer' has been used in US Tax Court and US Supreme Court cases to describe an important concept. Risk transfer and risk distribution, are the generally accepted circumstances required for an insurance transaction to exist. I fully understand and agree. In our normal life, risk transfer is occurred in transaction behavior, the transaction is still one of risk transfer; the quality (or lack thereof) of the risk-taking party doesn't change that fact. We can understand that 'risk transfer' can be viewed as the reduction of risk to a position by buying an insurance policy or taking an offsetting position. For example, a person may reduce the risk of loss due to medical expenses by buying health insurance. Likewise, a person may reduce the risk of loss to a long position by entering an equal but opposite short position.

    I'm very appreciated with your professional viewpoints. Thanks for your comments about this issue,


    5 months ago
  • Guan Seng Khoo, PhD

    Thank you both. As long as all of us are comfortable with the "local" definition, without getting too detailed or preoccupied with the semantics, e.g., often CDSs create the illusion of risk "transfer", when in reality, risk transformation has its unintended consequences................, I'm happy to agree and disagree!

    5 months ago
  • Donald J. Riggin, CPCU, ARM

    Indeed, an interesting discussion. At the end of the day it's just semantics, as Guan Seng Khoo has observed. I'm quite familiar with the non-insurance methods of transferring risk, but I think that risk transfer, regardless of technique, is just one thing: Moving negative financial outcomes from one party to another.

    Think of the concept of risk having 2 separate and distinct properties, (1) potentially negative financial outcomes, and (2) one of the consequences of life: business activities, property ownership, driving a car, crossing the street, getting out of bed, and so on. All we can do is mitigate some of the negative financial consequences; insurance being the most prevalent risk transfer tool. The first property of risk is binary; the risk is either retained or transferred. Even the most onerous legal disputes between insurer and client as to whether or not a loss is compensable eventually settle if favor of one of the two litigants, (except Jaundyce v. Jaundyce).

    Regarding the illusion of risk as mentioned above; it's an illusion because in reality some risk transfer schemes are just as likely to fail as to not fail, such as a CDS. But a CDS, just like an insurance policy, does indeed transfer the financial consequences of risk to a counterparty, but its value as a risk transfer tool is a matter of degree. Compared to the security available through a highly rated insurance company, a CDS's volatility and susceptibility to market risk greatly reduces its efficacy as a pure risk transfer tool. If the risk transferor isn't aware of this, well, that's his problem.

    5 months ago
  • Guan Seng Khoo, PhD

    Thanks Donald. I guess where I'm coming from is when the term is used outside of the insurance industry as in the typical COSO ERM or ISO 31K framework, where it's often used in the context of risk "reduction", which I don't believe in, or in banking, when instruments in the banking book are transformed into the trading book, e.g., via securitization.

    But thanks again to everyone for sharing here. Have a marvellous week.

    5 months ago
  • Kathryn M Tominey

    Just a thought, legalisms aside, if you lack capability to perform mission (product or service) essential work and outsource you are still accountable to clients and shareholders. Many CEOs & mgt teams are indifferent to this as long as they collect their annual bonus - based on very short term results.

    You do remember why we had to bailout AIG don't you? Making book via naked CDSs without understanding underlying products which had ratings - arguably fradulent ratings - suggesting high quality.

    Anyone putting that much effort into acquiring financial insurance is sending a message about how much they believe in their product.

    5 months ago
  • Guan Seng Khoo, PhD

    Thanks, Kathryn, that's what I was alluding to in my CDS' comment, together with the roles played by monolines, e.g. AMBAC, etc.

    5 months ago
  • James Andrae

    Donald, very solid legal points. I love a good philosophical discussion. It is as always a matter of semantics and perspective. Our experiences may be different, I don't believe it makes either of us more right or wrong. It does however open the mind to other perspectives which is always a good thing.

    Insurance while a risk transfer mechanism actually creates other risks as you alluded. Credit, Legal, Cost, Timing. Kathryn above raised very important valid points. Perspectives, agendas, rorts, etc.

    Risk Management should always try to minimise reliance on the legal process if things go wrong. (This is why I spend way too much time analysing contracts). While the process marches along, in the meantime a company may be seriously negatively affected, face bankruptcy at the extreme, share price fluctuations, credit downgrades etc. Bonuses not paid, people fired. 
    It always becomes a matter of size of the insurance claim, 100K not much of a problem, $100M is often open to "debate" in the court system. My experience is that CEOs and Boards don't like the court process and always look for heads to roll.

    From a risk management perspective that's not good enough because of the domino effect on business' other activities that assume cash flows will be made whole in the proper time. Very few companies have a few "lazy" hundred million just hanging around. I repeat the best risk you have is the one you don't have and there are numerous examples from physical power plants to the financial markets. 
    In the financial markets, peculation aside, hedging can cause new and some unforseen linked risks. There is a famous issue now about a company being trading a commodity and having 40 - 50% of the liquidity in that market. They got it right, but could not get out of their trades. Greed. The best risk is the risk you don't have. Don't expect the market to accept losses when you are the major provider of liquidity. Stick to a lower threshold. If a company is that big that it needs 50% of the market liquidity then it need to review its operational risk management to account for the lack of reliance on the market hedges.

    The GFC and Asian Crisis were in essence, liquidity and counterparty credit issues on the whole.

    Power plants often have unexpected failures, these are insurable events. The major condition is the proper maintenance of the plant. One man's process is another man's negligence. We can understand that the insurance company will rightly want to verify everything before maybe paying. There are cases where a 1 week shutdown took 2 years and longer to pay. The claims are mostly for physical damage and financial loss. This could easily climb to $100M+ depending. Repairing a power plant may cost $5M the losses on a SWAP could be any amount perhaps a further $95M. No COB is keen on this sort of risk. 
    The best risk is the one you don't have. Solution don't over commit power plant transaction SWAPS such that if it failed apart from the burden of repairs you will also have the financial SWAP payments to make. There is nothing lost except for speculative revenue and that could go either way. 
    Building infrastructure creates volumes of possible risks to the owner. Power plants can be built by the power company or by an external engineering firm. This transfers most of the risks but some do remain. Two major risks are that the generator will not work to specifications, or be completed on time. The power company contract specifies Ts&Cs that if not met they simply don't accept the new generator. So the "lemon" risk as well as others are not theirs. The best risk is the one you don't have. 
    While your points are valid Market Risk Managers do not live in a post risk world but in a pre risk world.

    5 months ago
  • James Andrae

    It took some companies over 7 years to get paid 6c on the dollar after Enron failed. Reliance on the legal system, while just, did not make the participants whole. Insurance failures were kept commercially private so we will never know if the losses were covered or not. The best risk you have is the one you don't have. When the CEO and CFO of a fortune 50 company resign suddenly. Smart risk managers closed out positions and watched the debacle with amusement and got bonus. 
    If entering into a trade with a counterparty is reliant on a CDS for risk mitigation, then the best risk is the one you don't have. 1 don't enter into the trade to begin with. 2 Don't pay any bonus until the expiry or closure of the contract. Implement #2 and a whole lot of needless exposures are removed because the traders now have some skin in the game. 
    You stated “If the risk transferor isn't aware of this, well, that's his problem”. In a perfect world with perfect knowledge maybe. The global financial system is based on the blind hope that the other guy will “play by the rules” and be there to make you whole regardless of whether it is an insurance contract or swap. Blind hope because you can never see the true picture of the other counterparty, and, well, let’s leave the Credit Agency discussion to one side. It’s not only the illusion of risk but of transfer. The Transferors prior to the GFC had no idea who was really on the other end of the majority of the CDS deals. How was it their fault? 
    Market risk managers understand these limitations and on the whole tend to limit exposures as much as possible. 
    Of course you can't have no risks. You can even die in your bed sleeping. 
    But you should understand the domino factors in all risks and come back with the trade off scenarios and limit these whenever possible. 
    The point I think Edward is raising is to test whether risk managers understand that no risk is ever truly transferred or mitigated completely, so how do we live with that reality, post GFC. 
    I am certain that if the Central Banks and Finance Ministers had not stepped into the GFC, the global meltdown could have sent economies spiralling worse than the Great Depression. That was the risk they did not want to have. 
    They saved the world from calamity but also let some companies that could not be absorbed, fail. 
    This was the wake up call. Edward is asking if we have altered our thinking since.

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear James, 
    I'm very appreciated and respect that you always point out the key concepts and useful viewpoints within your comments on a issue. I got some hints and implications from your comments. I also agree with Donald's comments which said above, 'the concept of risk having 2 separate and distinct properties, (1) potentially negative financial outcomes, and (2) one of the consequences of life: business activities, property ownership, driving a car, crossing the street, getting out of bed, and so on. All we can do is mitigate some of the negative financial consequences; insurance being the most prevalent risk transfer tool.'

    I fully agree that your comments which said that "the best risk you have is the one you don't have and there are numerous examples from physical power plants to the financial markets." In addition, the global financial system is based on the blind hope that the other guy will “play by the rules” and be there to make you whole regardless of whether it is an insurance contract or swap.

    In fact, the domino factors in all risks and come back with the trade off scenarios and limit these whenever possible. According to my recognition, risk transfer is a risk management and control strategy that involves the contractual shifting of a pure risk from one party to another. I sometimes discuss with the professional risk-control managers whether risk managers understand that no risk is ever truly transferred or mitigated completely but I find that some managers will ignore cultural and human factors which plays important roles in risk managements.

    Thanks for Donald,Kathryn, Guan Seng Khoo, and your professional comments in this issue.

    Thanks all of you with sincerity.


    5 months ago
  • Kathryn M Tominey

    Guan - don't "allude" use plain clear language to expose these frauds, ratings firms enablers and issuers too lazy to do their homework. The impact of naked CDSs unregulated, invisible thanks to Sen. Phil Gramm, Robert Rubin & Larry Summers leadership. At least Art Levine was man enough to admit, publically, that he was wrong to oppose Brooksley's efforts to just look at derivatives.

    Buffett's latest letter really lays into the operators pushing transactions because fees are easy money.

    5 months ago
  • Guan Seng Khoo, PhD

    Kathryn, I've written one whole document and blogged on the issues in some of my publications & presentations in conferences for Riskbooks, etc. Hence, I merely don't wish to be long-winded here, esp. for readers who are familiar with the GFC. But, thanks anyway for raising it more granularly.

    5 months ago
  • Syed Adeel Hussain,MBA

    We as risk managers have to distinguish among Risk Controls, Risk Financing and Risk Retention Techniques. Risk Transfer is a Risk Financing Method, where you pay someone else to pay for your Unexpected Large Losses!

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Dear Syed Adeel Hussain,

    Your comments provide simple concepts but useful in understanding.

    I'm very appreciated.


    5 months ago
  • Abdulwadud Mohammed

    Very insightful write up.

    Insurance is embedded in risk management.

    Real risk management is the prevention of loss. Insurance also practise risk management. Here, the company attempts to regulate the risk it underwrites as per probability of a claim crystallizing(no insurance company would underwrite a risk with 100% claim probability) or claims it pays upon crystallization.

    Like the author said, in the event that an insurance company defaults on payment upon crystallization of claim, the liability remains with the insured.

    Transferring or sharing risk should be combined with strong emphasis on prevention by embedding ERM in an organizational set up or adopting relevant credit support tools (a wide array is offered by Ace Depository) for banks, traders and financiers, in preventing actual loss.

    Prevention of actual loss rather than seeking to be indemnified upon loss is better for any business moving forward.

    5 months ago
  • Michael Allocco, PE, CSP

    It is possible to transfer (most) risk to a 2nd party, should the appropriate risk controls be applied: 
    • A specialized contractor (2nd party) may be used to conduct a specialized risk task or operation; 
    • Contractual risk controls can transfer most of the risk to the 2nd party; 
    • The 1st party assures that the 2nd party implements and enforces the appropriate risk controls; 
    • There may be some limited co-liability (co-negligence) in the chain depending on the risk controls contractually defined and enforced.

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Michael, Thanks for your comments. You provide the necessary considerations concerning about the appropriate risk controls and transfer.


    5 months ago
  • Kathryn M Tominey

    Guan - how diplomatic you are, an excellent quality in risk mgt right up to when a 2x4 is needed to focus their attention.

    Oh, am I using correct convention for the part of your name to address you?

    5 months ago
  • Guan Seng Khoo, PhD

    Well, Kathryn, I've always been guilty of making short commentaries on LinkedIn, and often inadvertently created "cross-communications across different frequencies" with other parties on other discussion threads. If I interpret you correctly - part of my Asian heritage, where tai ji is often practised - notice how Americans like boxing (more "push") vs the Japanese sumo (more "pull"). I practise a hybrid of push-pull with a bias towards "pulling"!!! Nice to make your acquaintance tho' as a fellow scientist - I was a computational chemist once upon a time!

    5 months ago
  • Stjepan Anic

    Yes, it's really an apostrriori compensation mechanism rather than a pure risk transfer, and my experiance has thought me that repeated clearifications of various terms used in finance and risk management is often needed in order to maintain an understandable big-picture-view of the subject.

    5 months ago
  • Syed Adeel Hussain,MBA

    @Edward Thanks

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Very thankful to Stjepan Anic & Syed Adeel Hussain, this issue is concerning about my research in risk managements, therefore, I pay more attention on this issue.

    In addition, I'm very appreciated with James Andrae, who is a risk management specialist. His comments provide me more strategic implications and thinking methodology. I fully agree that James' comments which said that "the best risk you have is the one you don't have and there are numerous examples from physical power plants to the financial markets." In addition, the global financial system is based on the blind hope that the other guy will “play by the rules” and be there to make you whole regardless of whether it is an insurance contract or swap.

    Hoping you all can provide your comments and viewpoints into popular issues concerning about risk managements in risk managements online.

    Thank you all.


    5 months ago
  • Arslan Usmani CPPD MEnPrac MIEAU(RES,CES) MRMIA

    Ed, risk sharing and transfer both are sometimes misleading. If a pipeline contractor misses the delivery on time and you lost your 1 day production, what you do, do we tranfer the risk to him (liquidated damage only) but is this enough to cover your production loss but what about your commitment and good will. If you share risk what percentage of time, resouce and cost you sharev in order to bring things to the agreed deadline.

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Thanks for your comments and joining this discussion.


    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    In fact, some ways of managing risk fall into multiple categories. 
    Risk retention pools are technically retaining the risk for the group, but spreading it over the whole group involves transfer among individual members of the group.

    In addition, I would like to site from James' comments which said "the best risk you have is the one you don't have and there are numerous examples from physical power plants to the financial markets."

    5 months ago
  • Mohd Amirul Nazri Ismail

    Good financial standing of insurance companies is essential when addressing the risk transferring process. It can be a secondary risk when insurers are reported having difficulties in processing and settling claim. Some Banks are very particular on this when they assessed proposed project financing and had incorporated this in condition precedents (CP).

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Dear Amirul Nazri, 
    Very thankful for your comments on this issue.

    Kind regards.


    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Jeff Elias, Ph.D.

    I'd like to add that risk sharing can be very profitable for the group or association who are involved. 1st you need a good assessment audit as to the types of risks, organizations,the and firms' liquidity to qualify them to join the "association" risk pool. Using appropriate tools for assessment of the "potential" risks, can generate a cost savings, and structured properly as an "off-shore captive insurance association" (taking advantage of money hurdle rates) with streamlined, accurate and timely reporting, with effective claims management, training, and safety programs) could repatriate income back to the association in the form of reduced future premiums. As a note, off-shore domiciles have different "banking, LOC, liquidity, etc. requirements. These types of arrangements can also work for effective costefficient re-insurance markets, as well. Dr. Jeff Elias, Ph.D. HR & RM Consultant.

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Dear Jeff Elias,Ph.D.

    I fully agree with your viewpoints that you have mentioned 'Using appropriate tools for assessment of the "potential" risks, can generate a cost savings, and structured properly as an "off-shore captive insurance association" (taking advantage of money hurdle rates) with streamlined, accurate and timely reporting, with effective claims management, training, and safety programs) could repatriate income back to the association in the form of reduced future premiums.'

    Thanks for providing your comments.

    Kind regards.


    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    According to my past studies,insurance is a both well-known and popular form of risk transfer to take into consideration, where coverage of a risk is obtained from an insurer in exchange for ongoing premiums paid to the insurer. Risk transfer can occur informally within family and community networks where there are reciprocal expectations of mutual aid by means of gifts or credit, as well as formally where governments, insurers, multi-lateral banks and other large risk-bearing entities establish mechanisms to help cope with losses in major events. Such mechanisms include insurance and re-insurance contracts, catastrophe bonds, contingent credit facilities and reserve funds, where the costs are covered by premiums, investor contributions, interest rates and past savings, respectively.


    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Marcelo Severino de Oliveira

    In short, we need to beware, always an eye on possible risks before it happened. 
    Because if all the losses are passed to insurers, there would be many insurers.

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Marcelo Severino Oliveira, 
    Thanks for your comments.


    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    David Wilson

    We cannot be 'blind' to the need for our decision-making (and resultant actions) to be based upon information that is NOW accessible to us. 'Ignorance', due to a lack of the correct tools or techniques is understandable but, to ignore tools and techniques that enable informed decision-making, is beyond 'ineptitude'...an emerging GRC issue!

    'Causal Relationships': operational interdependencies and interactions within and among organisations are the sources of emerging risk and opportunity but, if unidentified, can be amplified, cascade and spread far beyond the points of origin...and 'feedback' as threats: unrealised - as increased uncertainty or volatility; realised - as correlations in data (reflexive - after the event).

    Unidentified and unmanaged risk does not dissipate, nor does the probability of occurrence, scale, duration or cost reduce...

    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    David, your viewpoints are acceptable in understanding 'Causal Relationships', whereas, if unidentified could be amplified, cascade and spread far beyond the points of origin. perhaps, if providing some examples you have ever met will be better to understand.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Kind regards.


    5 months ago
  • Edward Chao

    Ned Robins

    Fascinating discussion. The exchanges between Edward and Donald display two TOTALLY different philosophical points of view, with Edward focussing on "achieving things" and Donald on "paying for calamities". I must support Edward's point of view completely. When one takes out insurance one is NOT transferring ANY of the actual risk. Neither the probability nor the cost of the potential calamity is reduced by one single iota. Yes, the ownership of the cost of the calamity has been transferred, but doing this is COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT of risk management!! If ever you have to make an insurance claim, the risk has OCCURRED. It is now TOO LATE TO MANAGE THE RISK. It is no longer a risk, but has become a fact. You did not transfer the RISK, you simply transferred the ownership of the RECOVERY STRATEGY implemented AFTER the risk ceased to exist!!

    Take Edward's example - house insurance...... You do not insure your house because you want to rebuild it. You insure your house because you like it AS IT IS and you do not want it to get damaged. If you have a house fire, yes you are very happy that you took out that insurance policy to pay the costs, but you are NOT actually happy!! Damnit - you have just had a house fire! Your life is totally disrupted. You have nowhere to live, all your things are burned and it will take ages to replace them. You would have been much better off spending the insurance money on fire precautions.

    Personally I think it is very sad when people measure life by how much money they make. Money should be seen as a means to some worth-while end, not an end in itself. Risk management should be a means to increase the probabilty of achieving something really worth doing.

    1 day ago
  • Edward Chao

    Edward Chao

    Dear Ned Robins, 
    Very thankful to your comments about the issue "Risk Transfer" is often used in place of "Risk Sharing" in the mistaken belief'. I fully agree with your practical points concerning about "achieving things" and "paying for calamities".

    The term of 'risk transfer' is often used in place of risk sharing in the mistaken belief that you can transfer a risk to a third party through insurance or outsourcing. In fact, when one takes out insurance one is not transferring any of the actual risk.

    Commonly, I have met some investors and/or house owners who usually think their life could be measured by how much money they make and wealth represents their social status and success. Therefore, I have the same viewpoints with you that money should be seen as a means to some worth-while end, not an end in itself. Risk management should be a means to increase the probability of achieving something really worth doing.

    Finally, I'm very appreciated with your viewpoints, and thankful to your comments.

    Kind regards.


by 趙永祥 2015-08-17 18:19:15, 回應(3), 人氣(3420)

PEST 分析為外在大環境之趨勢分析, 
SWOT 分析為本身實力與機會評估之自我分析,而五力分析即是進行策略規劃之五種影響企業運作的壓迫力分析。在【波特五力分析的合作觀點】我們也初步討論威脅的另一面向即是機會,因此轉換威脅成為機會是企業進行策略規劃的主要目標。此外,由於企業現況的瞭解與環境監控是企業競爭的主要依據,因此如何進一步整合相關監控指標成為一重要議題,本文進一步說明三者之關係,並以一統一觀點進行相關資訊整合。需要注意,上述觀點的最後目的還是要回到企業本身之 SWOT 分析,因此應以 SWOT 為最終表現形式。

優勢( S )與劣勢( W )

由企業競爭的角度來看,所謂的優勢( Strengths )與劣勢( Weaknesses )即是企業與其競爭者或是潛在競爭者(以某一技術、產品或是服務論)的比較結果,企業本身的優勢就是競爭對手的劣勢,而競爭對手的優勢就是本身的劣勢,因此優劣勢互為表裡。那要比較哪些面向呢?在文【大環境、小環境與科學算命】中我們已經初步說明即是企業經營中的五管,分別為生產、銷售、人力、研發與財務。如果進一步擴充則需要涵蓋商業模式(屬於經營決策部分),內部行政管理、企業外部投資行為、技術取得的模式與智慧財產權等法務議題等,其中上述每一議題均可進一步根據相關管理學書籍所需討論的面向進一步細分。換句話說,逐一比對企業本身與競爭者(及潛在競爭者)的每一項因素即可定義出何謂優勢與何謂劣勢。

機會( O )與威脅( T )

機會( Opportunities )與威脅( Threats )一般是指外在環境分析,亦是互為表裡,一方之機會即是另一方的威脅,其基本組成即是 PEST 分析,其中 P 為政治( Political )、 E 為經濟( Economic )、 S 為社會( Social )與 T 為技術( Technological )

當然, PEST 也有基本的擴展,包括擴展到 STEEP 與 PESTLE ,其中 STEEP 為 STEP 加上環境( Environment ), PESTLE 為 STEP 加上法律( Legal )與 Ethical (道德)。換句話說 O 與 T 至少可擴充到 STEEPLE ( Social 、 Technology 、 Economic 、 Environment 、 Political 、 Legal 與 Ethical )( steeple 亦有達到尖端之意)。從此外,從五力觀點來看, STEEPLE 還是屬於大環境之分析,因此還需加上除了競爭者與潛在競爭者(因為競爭者已經用在 S 與 W 分析中)之外的三力分析。

若是以原本波特五力分析的考量,此三力均屬於威脅( Threats ),然而我們已經在【波特五力分析的合作觀點】討論過,威脅與機會均是相對的,因此這三種威脅也可當成是三種機會。換句話說,此三力(上游供應商、下游買家、替代性技術)亦需要在機會與威脅中考量(可當成是企業經營的機會與威脅,與大環境 STEEPLE 對應),若進一步結合 STEEPLE 與五力分析,則機會與威脅所需考量面向可表於表一,其中替代性技術可納入原本 STEEPLE 中。舉例來說,京都議定書( Kyoto Protocol )限制二氧化碳排放即是環境對於企業本身的威脅;而隨著人民生活水平的提升,市民對於安全監控產品的需求增加,即時社會安全對於相關電子廠商的新機會;或是近日 TFT LCD 上游 CCFL 的缺貨,即是對於背光模組廠商或是面版廠商的威脅等。

PEST 分析,
P 為治(Political) 
E 為濟(Economic) 
S 為會(Social)
T 為術(Technological)


表一提供企業進行策略規劃前對於自身能量瞭解的思考依據,可當成一檢查表( checklist )用以逐一考量與檢查。當然,如果是對於非營利組織( NGO )或是政府公部門,相關檢查內容會有所不同,也可依此架構持續進行。需要強調,上述內容僅當成自身與外在客觀環境的瞭解,最後還是回歸到企業本身策略規劃與執行,畢竟監控、瞭解與真正落實還是有很大差距。

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